The truth is unravelled

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~Y/n pov~

"Y/N " my mother called from the living room.

I put down my phone and walked to the living room.

"Yes mom " I asked.

She looked troubled about something.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to Gravity Falls for the Summer Holiday?"She asked.

I squealed. That's where dad lives, I have never met my dad, heck I don't even know his name.

Whenever I ask my mom about him, she immediately changes the subject.

but...She did tell me that he lived in a small town called ' Gravity Falls '.

"Yes,am I going to meet Dad?" I asked excitedly.

Mom pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes.

"Y/n I have something to tell you..."She said opening her eyes.

She patted the seat next to her on the couch.

I sat down.

"Your Dad...he was a wise man...he was an inventor...he got a call from his friend in Gravity Falls, to help him with his research...your father...he created the society of the blind eye...and...he invented this machine that could...erase people's minds...I don't know why, but he used it on himself, and he used it so many times...I don't know what could've been so horrible that he would use that machine to erase his memory " a tear slide down her cheek.

I passed her the tissues so she could wipe her eyes.

"Thanks " she replied , her cheeks red from crying.

I smiled kindly at her, waiting for her to continue her story.

" He doesn't remember anything...he used to be a great man y/n but when he kept erasing g his memory see he couldn't recognise what reality is...and he doesn't even know he had a daughter...y/n he doesn't even remember me..." she said quietly.

A few more teardrops escaped my mom's eyes.

"His names...was...Fiddleford Mcgucket...He lives in a junkyard...and he's married to a raccoon " She sobbed.

I wrapped my mom in a hug as she sobbed, once she was fine, she said " And I was wondering if you wanted to go to Gravity Falls, you will be staying with Standford Pines...he's a friend of your father's, Standford has a nephew and a niece about your age...and your an only child so I know that during the Summer, you get do you wanna stay with them for the Summer? "She then took a deep breath and said " Everyone except Standford and his brother Stanley doesn't know about your dad being Fiddleford Mcgucket...and...Well...listen you don't really want people to know that Mcgucket is your dad ok? "

I nodded...well today had been very dramatic.

"We are going to leave tomorrow morning, and we will arrive in 2 days' time, so go pack your things" she said. looks like tomorrow, we are on our way to Gravity Falls...This should be interesting.

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