Friend meets Foe

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~Y/n pov~

I was super excited, we are in Our way to Gravity Falls.

I sat in the car, as it drove down the road, I realised that we had been driving for 5 hours.

Gosh I' bored.

I took out my phone and started texting my friends.

And we carried on driving until it was night and soon we decided to stop at a hotel for the night, as we only have at arrive at Gravity Falls tomorrow and the best part about it was that the owner of the hotel is a friend of my mom's.

So, we parked outside and went inside, we were about to check in when we heard a voice yell "Well if it isn't l/n "

I looked up and noticed that it was a tall guy with blond hair and brown eyes, if I had to guess his age I would probably say he was either 32 or 33.

" Edward Cartwright, I haven't seen you in years " My mom said. I guess this is the friend of my mom's.

"Oh and who's this pretty gal? " he asked looking at me.

"This is y/n, my daughter " she replied.

"Well it's nice to meet ya y/n " he said shaking my hand.

Edward then said "put these two In a Suite, free of charge".

My jaw dropped.

Did he just say that we didn't have to pay for this?

My mom seemed pretty stunned too.

"And bring these two a complementary basket of muffins " My mom's eyes widened.

Wait second...I looked around and noticed that everyone was staring at strange.

~Pacifica Northwest pov~

Ugh I can't believe we had to go to this hotel outside of Gravity Falls, I mean it wasn't my fault that our mansion was infested with termites, ugh now I have spend a day at this stupid hotel with my mom and dad, apparently we can go back home tomorrow to our mansion in Gravity Falls.

This is going to be so boring.

My parents were talking and I was just sitting on a chair... bored out of my mind... reading a book.

Then the door opened and an adult and a girl about my age walked through.

The girl about my age was flawless, she had perfect skin, and h/l, h/c hair that looked very silky and smooth.

She didn't notice that everyone in the lobby was staring at her.

Oh, she is definitely going to be my best friend.

She didn't even notice all the people that were murmuring about her.

I heard someone say "I bet her face hurts...because she must have fallen from heaven " and I heard a women about 37 say " I wish I looked like that at her age " and then I heard my own parents talking about how great she looks.

Yip, she looks like a perfect best friend.

Then Edward announced that they would be staying in a suite, free of charge.

Then that's when y/n, that's what I think her name her mom introduced her to Edward and I overheard her name , y/n turned around and noticed that everyone was staring at her.

Yip she WILL be my best friend...

~Y/n pov~

We thanked Edward.

He gave us our key and we went up the elevator to our suite.

Our Free suite.

We went up the elevator, up to level 7 and our room was 336.

We opened the door and...Woah, this was a nice suite.

It had 2 beds and it had an indoor pond and had a bookshelf filled with books and their was also a couch and a flat screen TV and their was also a bathroom.

We then decided to just relax for a while, mom watched TV while sitting on the couch and I read y/f/b.

After about 10 minutes there was a knock on the door, "I will get it " I said as I put down my book.

I quickly opened the door and saw a girl about my age with blond hair and she was wearing a purple top with expensive jewelry on, " Hi there, you forgot your complementary muffins in the lobby, so I thought that I would just bring it up to you as your suite is right next to mine " she said handing me the basket of muffins " Oh, thank you very much, your very kind " I said smiling.

She then stuck out her hand and said "I'm Pacifica Northwest, what's your name? "

I shook her hand and said " Hi, I'm y/n l/n" Then I thought for a second, "wait isn't your grandfather Nathaniel Northwest, the town founder of Gravity Falls?" I asked.

Her eyes widened.

"Yeah,how did you know that? " she asked.

" mom and I are going to Gravity Falls tomorrow and staying at my dads friends place and I researched Gravity Falls and I found out that Nathaniel Northwest was the town founder of Gravity Falls " I said simply.

"Oh, my family and I are heading back to Gravity Falls tomorrow too, well the reason we headed out here to this hotel is...because we just enjoy the scenery. "She said, although I could tell she was lying...but I bet it's not important.

then she added " and since your new maybe I could show you around town sometime, I know the best place we could get manicures "

Well...she's nice.

"That would be awesome, Thanks " I replied.

Then her phone rang, she said " Well I have got to go, but I'll show you around town tomorrow."

"Ok, cool, see you tomorrow " I replied and she left to go back down to the lobby.

I closed the door and my mom asked "who was it?"

" It was a girl named Pacifica, she's really nice and her grandfather was the town founder Nathaniel Northwest and she came up here to give us our complementary muffins " I said.

My mom put the TV on pause " Y-you talked to the town founders daughter? " She asked.

"Yip, she's really nice, and she even said that she would show me around town " I said.

"That's great, you have already made a friend and we aren't even in Gravity Falls yet " she laughed.

I smiled, " Well...its getting pretty late, I think I'm gonna go to sleep, night" I said.

"Night y/n" she replied.

Tomorrow I will be arriving in a place called Gravity Falls.

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