A meeting in the woods

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~Y/n pov~

It was morning, Gravity falls today.

I ran to the bathroom, took a quick shower and put on

I then tool a curling iron plugged it in and started curling my hair.

I once I was done, I noticed that my mom was starting to wake up.

She opened her eyes and stretched,"morning mom" I said.

"Morning" she yawned, starting to get up.

"I'm gonna read my book and I'm gonna wait for you in the lobby, I have already packed my things" I said.

"Ok, be safe " She replied.

I walked down to the lobby and found a comfy chair to sit in, right next to the entrance, and I opened my book and started to read y/f/b

and 5 minutes later I hear "Hiya y/n"

I looked up from my book and said "Hi Pacifica"

she sat in the seat next to me "So anyways I was thinking that we should exchange numbers so that we can schedule a time that I can show you around town " she said.

"Sure that sounds great " I replied, getting my phone out for my pocket

she told me her number and I put it in my phone under the name 'Pacifica Northwest'

and she put my number in her phone 'y/n l/n' but after that she wrote :'bff' under my name.

I'm sure I didn't see if correctly, so I just shrugged it off.

Then my mom came downstairs with her bags "Hello, you must be Pacifica"

" Yip, that's me, you must be y/n's mom, it's a pleasure to meet you " Pacifica replied.

We then said goodbye and headed out to the car.

We then climbed in the car and drove away from the hotel.

We should be arriving In a couple of hours at Gravity Falls.

"So Y/n, are you excited to be on your way to Gravity Falls?"my mother asked.

I smiled and replied "Yes, I'm really excited, it a place I have never been before so I'm really super excited"

My mother smile and said "Oh and you might meet a boy there..."

I frowned "What do you mean?" I asked.

"Im just saying...Gravity falls is an amazing place..."

"Mom!"I exclaimed, embarrassed.

"Oh, and Dipper Pines is around your age...I wonder if you two will start dating" she said thaughtfully.

"Mom!"I said embarrassed.

She burst out laughing she she saw my face was as red as a tomato.

"Ok, ok I'm just joking " She said.

I giggled slightly.

" Mom, can you tell me a bit about the Pines family? "I asked.

"Oh...well from what I heard from Standford Pines, their great uncle, Mabel Pines is a little bit random, colourful,and loves sweaters and is almost always happy and energetic while Dipper loves reading books and going exploring and stuff...Kind of like you in a way " She said.

We continued talking the whole way to Gravity Falls, I saw a water tower that appeared to have a spray painted image of a muffin on it...


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