Friend meets Foe meets Friend.

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~Y/N pov~

We climbed out of the hole in the tree.

"Is everyone ok?" Dipper asked.

I like the new Dipper,he isn't all awkward and nervous...and he seems to be more in charge.

no-one spoke.

"Y/N?" Dipper asked his eyes laced with concern

"Yip " I said.

"Mabel?" Dipper asked, his eyes laced with concern.

"Yip" she replied skeptically

Mabel sighed "So...I guess we should head back now, but I'm so super duper board"

Dipper looked at his sister as if she was insane "We just battled an army of gnomes...and your... bored?"he asked in disbelief.

"Let's go on another adventure!"Mabel yelled excitedly.

Dipper just gazed at his sister in disbelief.

"or...We could show y/n around town" Dipper suggested.

beep.beep.beep beep, someone's texting me none stop...

Ignoring it.

"y/n, let's show you around town" Mabel said excitedly linking arms with me and she was half running, half dragging me towards town.

well...It didn't look like I have a choice...

We finally arrived at town and Mabel showed me where the diner was, she even

showed me the water tower that had a picture of a muffin on it, that some guy named Robbie spray painted, but he intended it too look like an explosion...

wow...It looks like the people of Gravity Falls have very...unique personalities.

definitely go back be an interesting summer...

Dipper and Mabel were busy explaining about all their adventures.

I tuned them out...not because I was bored...I felt like I was being watched...and when I feel uncomfortable or when I'm feeling watched, I scanned the area around me, my ears listening for the slightest movement..I hear breathing,coming from bit so far from behind us...I froze and turned, I saw a flash of yellow diving behind a tree...hmph how strange, probably just a squirrel or something.

~3rd pov~

y/n was not so wrong.

There was someone following her, and that well technically not exactly a person...It was the One and only...Bill Cipher.

He had seen a girl with most beautiful h/l h/c hair he had ever seen and her eyes...her eyes seemed to spark a thousand questions and they were an amazing e/c.

Bill Cipher was captivated by her beauty, unfortunately so was Dipper, and whenever Bill saw Dipper close to y/n he felt jealousy...angry Jealousy...

And the best thing about her was her personality...and that's another reason why Dipper, Bill loved her...

yes...Bill Cipher and Dipper Pines were in love...

Bill Cipher...would have her as least that's what he thought.

Bill Cipher had just realised how idiotic he has been to not turn himself invisible as he just saw y/n turn her head and he quickly dove behind a tree.

~y/n pov~

"Y/N, what's wrong?"Mabel and Dipper asked in unison.

"Hmm...oh nothing."

beep, beep, beep.

who the heck keeps texting me?

"seems like someone is trying to talk to you" Mabel noted.

I opened up my cellphone, all of the were from Pacifica, asking where I was and stuff.

I closed the cell phone,"Just a friend of mine, I met her at a hotel a few days ago, she lives in Gravity Falls, she should be in Gravity Falls today"I said shrugging.

"Hey, why don't you invite her along?"Mabel asked.

" Yeah, any friend of y/n's Is a friend of ours " Dipper said, chuckling awkwardly and nervously.

" Oh, ok sure, how about we go to the water tower and I will ask her to meet us there?"I ask with a smile on my face.

"Ok."they said.

I texted Pacifica ' hey, I'm with 2 friends of mine, there showing me around town, wanna join us?' I sent it.

She immediately responded 'of course bestie, where should I meet you guys?'

'By the water tower' I responded

'ok, see ya soon bestie'

I then said "she's meeting us by the water tower"

we then talked, laughed and walked to the water tower.

~time skip to 5 minutes later, when Pacifica shows up~

"Hey Bestie " I hear and turn to see her, running out of breath towards us.

She pauses and looks at Mabel and Dipper "ugh, what are you doing here? "Mabel and Pacifica say in unison together.

" I'm here with my friend y/n" They both say at the same time.

Then there expressions turned to shock as they were struck by realisation.

And then...they both fainted.

When Gravity Falls (Dipper X reader X Gideon X reader X Bill)Where stories live. Discover now