A moment...or is it?

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~Y/n pov~

I froze...did they seriously feint?

"Mabel!"Dipper yelled, rushing over to her sisters side...While I ran over to Pacifica's side.

"Dipper?,what just happened,why did they faint?"I asked confused.

"Well um...I guess they were just really shocked that you are friends with Each others mortal enemies"

"mortal enemies?"

" Um...yeah well...the Northwest family don't really get along with the Pines family...as in us...Pacifica is a rude spoilt brat who get everything her own way because her family is rich and she is always rude and mean towards my family and I..."

I took a deep breath...okay...

"Oh.....I'm sorry, I shouldn't have invited her-"

" No, it's fine, besides you didn't know that Pacifica is our enemy...but I suppose...We could... try to get along with Pacifica is she's you friend..."he replied .

"You would do that for me? " I asked astounded.

He looked at me, his mouth twisting into a smile as he replied "I would do anything for you", I looked at the ground, trying to make sure he didn't see that I was blushing...wait a second...OMC why the heck am I blushing?, I just met Dipper today...its not like I like him or anything...or do I?

He then moved and sat in front of me and grabbed my hand with one of his hands and lifted up my head and my e/c eyes met with his brown eyes, he then used his thumb on the same hand that he was holding my hand with and stroked the outside of my hand as he whispered "I mean it y/n, I would do anything for you" he thent used his other hand and pushed a lock of h/c hair behind my ear.

Then a voice that I hadn't heard before spoke, ruining the moment "Hey dudes...Woah...why are Mabel and Pacifica unconscious?".

Dipper turned his head, obviously annoyed, he then sighed "Hey Soos, this is y/n" he said smiling.

Soos turned his head, his eyes widening "Oh, hey,oh was I interrupting something?, oh is this pretty girl your girlfriend?"he said wiggling his eyebrows causing me to giggle.

"No, just friends " Dipper and I replied at the same time.

Soos look down at Dipper holding my hand..."Then why are you holding hands?"he questioned.

" Um...well...um..."I replied while Dipper replied "Um...funny story actually..."

Truth was neither of us knew how to answer that question...

When Gravity Falls (Dipper X reader X Gideon X reader X Bill)Where stories live. Discover now