Cause we'll be counting stars

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~ Y/n pov~

Well one word could describe this situation...awkward.

Dipper quickly let go of my hand.

Neither of us knew the answer to that question...

"Haha, just joking dudes, Stan needs me back at the shack, bye " Soos said and left.

"Ugh" Dipper and I turned around to see Mabel sitting up...

"Haha, hey Y/n, I had the most horrible nightmare that you were friends with Pacifica-" she said laughing,but she then stopped laughing and looked at the girl next to her,Pacifica Northwest...

", this can't be-"Mabel said, hyperventilating...

"Mabel...breath slower if you keep hyperventilating your gonna-" I started

She fainted...again.

"Faint" Dipper and I concluded in unison.

Then Pacifica woke up, she took one looks at Mabel, stood up and said "Well...friends with the Pines family?" she spat...

Ok...This is definitely a side of Pacifica that I haven't seen before...

"Yeah...and I'm staying with them for the Summer " I concluded carefully.

"Oh" was All she said..."So the Pines family is the friend of your dad's?"

My mouth felt dry...very sensitive topic...

"Yeah...well that's what I heard " I said dryly.

She laughed and said out loud "Oh, so of course you have to be friends with have to live with would never be friends with them by choice " she said flipping her blond hair over her shoulder.

What the heck is wrong with this girl?

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dipper clench his hand into a fist, then unclenched it...he was angry, I could tell...but he wasn't saying anything back to Pacifica, for my sake...because he said he could try to be friends with her because he would do anything for me...

He is so sweet...

Wait a second focus y/n.

I laughed bitterly, "no,actually they are my friends, true friends..., why wouldn't I want to be friends with them?"I shot back.

"Y/n, they run around with magical creatures...and monsters. duh, why would you want to be friends with them?"

"Maybe because I'm not scared to smudge my make up or if I break a nail...I like exciting adventures, and I'm not one for just sitting around waiting for everything to go my way, because wake up Pacifica, life doesn't work like that,I can't believe that I was ever friends with a snob like you"I snapped back, I was growing angry...I felt Dippers hand grasp mine again.

"Wait a second...y/n, if your friends with them, then you can't be friends with me...choose " she said crossing her arms and tapping her foot impatiently.

"Pacifica, don't make her choose, she can be friends with whoever she wants " Dipper said...warningly.

"Choose!"Pacifica snapped.

"I won't be mad...whoever you choose" Dipper whispered in my ear...

And it was in that one moment when I knew exactly who to choose...I squeezed Dippers hand and said "I choose the Pines twins"

Pacifica face contorted into one of disbelief mixed with rage, she raised her eyebrows " Oh, you pick them?!, fine...I don't need you as my friend!"she yelled

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