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    There he was. The guy I was meant to be with. My necklace was burning my skin, but it didn't matter. I finally have found my soulmate. I glance down and see my necklace emitting a shimmering iridesent glow, matching the same color as his. This is it, I think to myself, this is the moment I've been waiting for. I slowly make my way over to him. "Uh hey there, I'm Addie." He turn to me and frowns, "This is who I've been waiting for? Why you're just normal. There is nothing special about you." I take a small step back. "Why don't you go run along, and find someone else. I'd rather die, than be your soulmate." He says shooing me off. "I, uh I thought we are supposed to be together though. All the rules say that. The necklaces say that. You're my soulmate. I promise I'll change, I'll be better for you. I'll look hotter, I'll do anything." I say trying to hold back my tears. "Don't you understand Addie, you will never be good enough! You will never be what anyone wants." The man standing in front of my slowing evolves into my older sister. "No one is ever going to want us! We will never be good enough!" I starts backing up quickly as a small tear slowly slides down my face. "No, no, no. You don't know that. Someone out there will want us. Someone will give us their all. Keely, don't leave me. The necklace will help us. It'll show us to where we belong!" My sister takes the small knife she was holding behind her back, and drives it through her chest. "Screw the necklace! I'm done being told who I can love!" I gasp and watch her fall down to her feet, as she starts chocking uncontrollably. "Keely!" I race over to her and tries putting the necklace back on. "Keely no no no stay with me." She reaches up and moves a strand of my dark hair out of my face. "Addie I want you to go out there, and find someone who will give you everything they possibly can. And don't rely on the necklaces, you find someone who you love, not who the necklaces tell you to love." And with that she makes one quick movement, and snaps my necklace chain. My hands reach around my neck as it falls to the floor. "I love you Adalynn." Keely barely manages to whisper as she smiles softly and holds my hands. I watched as the light slowly died from her eyes, and her grasp loosened. Her hands growing cold, and stone started to fall. The tears began flowing down my face, as I stared at her lifeless body.

    "Addie! Addie! Adalynn wake up!" I sit up gasping as my brother stares at me with frightened eyes. "Ads are you okay?" I softly nod my head, looking around slowly. "It was her. I watched her die again." I choke out, as Ethan runs a hand through his hair. "It's okay, you're probably just nervous about today." I frown. "Oh yeah it's my 16th relinquishing day" Every year from the day you were born, you celebrate a relinquishing day. Which is where you leave for 9 months to get ready for youre 16th, which is when you are set out to explore the world in search for your soulmate. Only the girls get to do this, the boys stay home and go to work at some factory, or on a farm. Ethan is actually one of our seekers. They are like assistants to the ambassador of our town. The seekers deal with people who don't follow the rules, or who take their necklaces off. Pretty much they do all of the dirty work, while the ambassadors sit around all day, and pretend to take care of us, when they really spend our town's money on things no one needs. "Well it's time you start getting ready to leave, they are having the ceremony later today. I need to get to work, so I'll see you there." He says kissing the top of my head and walking out. I groan and throw the blankets over my head. "Maybe I'll sleep for just a few more minutes." I lay back and close my eyes, ignoring the small sounds of my dogs footstepsrunning into my room. "Go away Simon, I'm sleeping." I say rolling over. Simon barks and jumps on the bed. He sticks his head under the covers and licks my face. "Simon leave." I say facing the other way. He barks loudly in my ear, and I throw the cover off. "Fine fine I'm getting up! See I'm getting up!" Simon jumps off the bed as I sit up. "Can I go back to bed now?" I ask groaing. I look over at him as he sits there stares at me, panting. I shake my head and slowly makes my way out of the bed. I stand up and stretch my arms back, yawning. "Simon I don't think you're gonna be able to come with me, so you'll stay with Ethan. Don't worry though I'll come back for you. Maybe Ethan will help me sneak you outta this town. It shouldn't be that hard." I say walking to my closet and picking out the nicest dress I have. The dress is a long purple gown with a slit going up the right side. I change quicky and throw my curly hair up. "Here goes to my last day here." I throw on my sparly heels and finish getting ready. Today is the day I leave to find the one I will love for the rest of my life. Today I begin to put together this puzzle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2014 ⏰

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