Do we have a deal?

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~Y/n pov~

I woke up to someone yelling "SCRAPBOOKORTUNITY!" and a great flash of light.

my first thought was...'OMC I'm blind! ' but slowly my surroundings came into focus and I had to blink twice to make sure that I was no longer seeing spots.

I saw Mabel with her camera going "Aaaaw, you two are so cute together " She squealed.

I looked around and said "OMC, I fell asleep on the roof " I giggled, that's when I noticed that I had something over my shoulders...Dippers Jacket...and then I noticed that Dipper still had his arm around my shoulders...He was still asleep...and his arms were still around my shoulders...awkward, awkward,awkward...that's all I kept thinking.

Mabel grabbed my hand and pulled me up, "Well we are having a girls day!"whispered Mabel,Jumping up and down due to her excitement.

I laughed.

Then she grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the ladder,then she let go and went down the ladder, I was about to follow when Dippers Jacket fell of my shoulders, I grabbed it and put it over the sleeping Dipper, then Mabel yelled from the bottom of the ladder "come on Y/n, your day of greeting awaits" I laughed and came down the ladder,I grabbed a random outfit and went to the bathroom and locked the door and I got changed, then I unlocked the door and I put my clothes that I wore yesterday neatly in my bag full of clothes...

"Come on Y/N" Mabel said pulling me out the door of the attic, all the way to the kitchen,where Gruncle Stanford and another guy who I assume to be his brother Stanley as they are both identical twins, however one of them had 6 fingers...I decided not to mention it...after all my mind is still trying to process that gnomes are real...I mean I SAW them...I wander what other mystical mythological creatures exist within the small town that is 'Gravity Falls'...

"Hi kids" the twin with 6 fingers said.

Mabel turned around and said "Hi Gruncle Stan,we're going outside-" but she stopped short "Gruncle Ford?! Why are you out of the basement?, Y/n there's a perfectly good explanation-"

Then both Stanley and Standford burst out laughing.

I didn't understand what she was rambling about, I mean I know that Stanley has a twin brother named Standford, my mother told me on the way people Gravity Falls.

"Kid, she knows about Stanford being my brother...her mom knew both of us a long, long time ago"

"Oh..."She said with a bright smile forming on her face.

"Mabel! Y/N! wait up "came Dippers high pitched voice from upstairs.

Mabel linked arms with me and whispered in a urgent hushed voice "Gruncle Stan and Ford, I'm taking Y/n out for a girls day and it's GALS only! don't tell Dipper where we are, we are going to the diner for breakfast and then I'll show her around town to meet some people, agreed?"

"Agreed " The old twins said, they sounded serious...maybe they knew better than to mess with Mabel...hmm. ..interesting.

"I'll be down in a minute!"Dipper yelled from upstairs.

Ford chuckled and quickly passed Mabel some Money "For you and y/n"

" I'll pay for myself"I said, I am fully capable of paying for myself...ugh how I hate people paying for me...I don't know why, I just H.A.T.E it!

of course I wouldn't tell people how much I hate other people paying for me...because that might seem a tad bit ungrateful.

but it really is infuriating....

When Gravity Falls (Dipper X reader X Gideon X reader X Bill)Where stories live. Discover now