Chapter 2

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     Walking into the building, you saw a clean, bright lobby. The secretary walked to her desk and smiled at you as you made your way to the elevator. After pressing the button for the third floor, and waiting a bit, the doors opened to reveal a bright room with red carpeting. You heard what sounded like someone mumbling to themselves, and decide to head that way. You entered the next room and found the source of the noise. A tall man sat leaned over at his desk. He looked to be in his early thirties, with black hair that was intricately styled and looked apsolutely amazing.

You stood there for a bit, watching him write in his notebook and mumble to himself. He was quite stunning, and you found yourself mesmerized by his facial features. It was only when you saw blue gray eyes staring back at you, that You realized that he had noticed you staring, your face was flaming.How long had you been staring? How long had he been staring? Oh god, was this embarrassing. He smiled at you, and began to speak. "Bonjour, mon amie, welcome to my home lab. I assume you are the new intern?" You nodded, still blushing slightly. " Good, good. Allow me to show you around."

     After being given the tour, setting up your room, and meeting the scientists, the both of you decided to head to a cafe. You still hadn't said anything, just nodding and chuckles, so when you decided to speak, it was noticed. " Professor, how much French do you know?" You questioned. You knew some French, but not much. " I speak the language fluently, mon amie." Okay, you knew that mon amie was my friend, so at least you knew how he was addressing you." Ah, okay. What do you study in your lab?" At this question, his face lit up. " I study evolution, mainly something called mega evolution. Have you ever heard of it?" You nodded. " Isn't it something that's triggered by the connection between trainer and Pokémon?" He smiled, presumably because you were correct " Exactly, mon amie. It's something that allows a Pokémon to... evolve again, in a way." You nodded, a slight ah leaving your lips. So that was it. You two walked in silence to the cafe, thoughts passing through your mind at a million miles a minute.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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