Chapter 1

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Lacia's POV

Another day at Scepter 4, another day in front of my laptop, so many work I have to do. I sighed. Why did I sign up for this job? I looked at the clock, 12.30. I quickly stood up from my seat.

"Where are you going?'' Asked Akiyama.

"Restroom.'' I said. Honestly, I just want to walk pass the dining hall to see Captain eating food. I just want to see his face. As I was walking to the restroom, I took a glance at the dining hall and yes, I saw him, I saw Captain. I could feel my face getting red but I quickly walked pass the dining hall. I do hope that he didn't notice me, stealing glances at him. I was daydreaming about Captain until someone called me. I know that voice very well. That deep and sexy voice only belong to one and only


Munakata Reisi.

I quickly turned to my back and saw him standing. Did he notice it? Ohhh God. He walked towards me. I could feel my heart pounding like it want to get out from my chest and goes to his chest.

"Do you mind to do a mission? I need you to capture this strain.'' He handed me a file. I opened it. It has a girl photo on it then there's about the girl's data. "I want you, Benzai, Akiyama, and Enomoto to capture this strain.''

I looked at him. "Understood.'' He looked at the window for a moment. "It looks like it's going to rain. Be careful.'' He added. "Dismissed.'' He walked back to the dining wall and I sighed. I put my hand on my chest. It wouldn't stop pounding. I walked back to the office and waved the file. "Akiyama, Benzai, Enomoto, we have work.''

"Huh?'' All of them said it in unison. I smiled and they know it's a bad sign. I handed them the file and each of them read it carefully. "I see this strain might be hard to capture because it can turn you into a child.'' Said Akiyama.

"Anyways, we should get ready, get your saber and I'll get the car.''


I took my saber and I looked at my phone to see if there's anyone send me a text message but turns out that no one has sent me one. Guess, I wasn't that popular. I quickly met up with the others.

"Who's going to drive.''

I raised my hand. "Me! Me!''

"No.'' Denied Enomoto. "I nearly die when you drove that time. You nearly crash everything you see.''

"Nearly which means I didn't crash anything. Beside it happened long long ago, I'm sure I've improved.'' I crossed my hand and puffed my cheeks.


"I think Akiyama should drive the car.''

"Whatever.'' I went inside the car. "Let's get this job done.''

Akiyama drove the car. He drove the car so slow, it made me feel a bit sleepy. I was staring at the window and admiring the scenery until my eyes closed itself. I was about to go to dreamland until my head hit the car's roof. "Auch.''

"I saw the strain. Hang on tight.'' Akiyama was driving like crazy. At this point, I was clinging into Enomoto's arm because I was so afraid while Enomoto, I could see his soul floated away from his mouth.

Suddenly, the car stopped. I jumped and fell. Well finally I see someone who drive much more terrible than me. I went out from the car. "Let's talk about the plan.'' I looked at Benzai who took out a map. So Enomoto will chase to her to a dead end while I will guard the North, Benzai the West and Akiyama the East so she wouldn't have a choice except to run to the South. Well I didn't think it would work but boom! It worked. I quickly ran to the South where she should've been. I saw her trapped.

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