I quickly pulled away......

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"Whats wrong?" He asked worridly as I franticly looked around running my hand through my hair, I couldn't just tell him that I loved him but I loved Jake... could I? No. No you can't. But do you love Jake? Of course. Why would I even question that?! I. Love. Harry. NO! Jake!!! I. Love. Jake! Urgh. Why is this so fucking hard?! If only I had reaised I like Harry before I wen't out with Jake it would all be so much easier! Urgh nothing in my life is easy!

"Abie?" Harry said worridly, ohh crap I didn't reply for like 2 minuets, ohh shit. "Erm yeah?" I asked as if nothing had happend, maybee if I pretended nothing had happend, I would forget? "You ok?" He chuckled as I looked at him, I must look so 'in my own world' right now! "Erm yeah, shall we go in?" I said awkwardly as I darted into the building and dashed towards the stairs. Closely followed by Harry, if he does anything else thats sweet I don't think I'll be able to take it!! I love Jake, but Harry... Harry, he was just perfect. He obviously wasn't giving up on me and obviously loves me. And I love him, but I also love Jake! Urgh why is this so hard?!

"Woah wait up!' I heard Harry say from behind me, we were nearly at our flats! "Why?" I asked as I looked behind me to see him there "Why are you speeding off?" He chuckled "Well I don't want to keep them waiting, now come on slow coach!" I joked as I carried on running up the stairs and stopped before entering my flat "So just say we went out for dinner?" I asked waiting for his comfermaion "Well thats the truth isn't it?" He chuckled as I opend the door "Whey!" Niall, Zayn, Louis, Lauren and Jake yelled as me and Harry walked through the door "Sorry they're drunk" Liam said as he rolled his eyes "Ohhh" I said as I looked over at them acting like idiots.

"You!" Jake yelled as he pointed at me and stumbled onto his feet Harry looked at me oddly "You! I love you!" Jake yelled as he stumbled over, I had to support him as he was nearly falling "You're drunk" I said as Harry sighed and walked off, I felt so bad! "No I'm not!" He yelled his breath stunk of alcohol. It was disgusting "Yes you are!" I said as he stumbled back over to the others "I think I need a drink!" Harry said as he got up of the sofa as I sat down, of course he does! I mean Jake just yelled out that he loved me, how could I expect Harry to act normally.

"So what took you two so long?" Liam asked as I jolted to attention "Ohh we ended up going out for dinner" I said with a smile on my face "Ohhh how'd it go?" He teased as he nudged me "Nothing happend!!" I chuckled as Liam looked at me curiously "Look Liam I love Harry. NO!" I said as Liam looked at me with a huge smile and started laughing "I love Jake! Jake!" I said as Liam burst out laughing and I hit him slightly "so you love Harry?" He teased as I glared at him "I think it's time for me to have some alcohol!" I said as I walked into the kitchen and opend the fridge, I grabed a WKD shut the fridge and walked out and back over to Liam who looked at me and smirked "Shut up it was a mistake!" I said as I drank some WKD.

"So are you going to get drunk?" He asked as I thought about it "Maybee I need to make a decission and like soon!" I said as I ran my fingers through my hair "What decision?" He asked "Erm maybee I'll tell you when I'm drunk!" I joked as Liam looked at me shocked "Come on, please??" He said as he smiled "Fine!" I groaned as I walked out of the apartment and he followed "Why are we out here?" He asked as he looked around "Because I don't want the others to know!" I said as Liam looked at me "Right well you know I'm dating Jake." I said as he nodded "Well Harry told me he loves me" I said as Liam nodded "You knew?!" I said shocked as he looked at me shocked "Well yeah!" He said as I looked at him shocked "Why didn't you tell me?!" I asked as he looked at me "Well I thought you knew!" He said "No!" I said as I chuckled "Anyway carry on!" he said as I thought of where I was "Well then we went out for dinner and we kissed" I said with a grin on my face "Ohhh" Liam teased as I snapped back into reality "And now I'm doubting weather I love jake... but I do love him! Don't I?" I asked Liam as he looked at me and sighed "You know I've probably got to tell you to go for it with Harry!" He said as I nodded and looked at the floor "But I'm going to tell you to follow your heart!" he said as he tapped my nose and walked back into the apartment, follow my heart. Thats good advice... If I knew what my heart was saying! Urgh why is this so hard?!

I walked back into the apartment and sat down next to Liam, and next to Harry. We were the only sober ones! I lent back and rested my head on Harry's shoulder and sighed. Harry gently placed his head on mine his curls falling down onto my face making me laugh, Liam looked over at us when I was laughing and I think Harry was smiling, I'm not sure! Liam looked my in the eye and raised one eyebrow, I know what he means. He's trying to tell me to go for it with Harry! I sighed as Harry drank some more of his beer and I drank some of my WKD "So" Liam said to fill the silence we were in (Except the others yelling) "Ohh I'm going to try and get Abie a job with us!" Harry said as he sat up and so did I "Ohh really?" Liam said with his eyes brows raised looking at me as I smiled at him "Yeah, why not?" Harry said enthusiasticly, how could I forget he was getting me a job?!

*The next morning*

I woke up to Jason mraz I'm yours playing on the radio. I rubbed my eyes and moaned. What happend last night? Suddenly I felt someone softly kiss my neck, it felt nice.. perfect. It made me go all tingely inside and I moaned slightly "mmm" I said quietly as they stopped kissing my neck "morning gorgeous" I heard a far too familiar voice say from behind me, I turned around to see Harry smiling like an idiot with his hands around my waist, shit.


Hello lovely people! Erm well thank you for reading and sorry it took me so long to update, you see my laptop has mucked up and I have to constantly copy and paste mu:."' so I can write.. see how much effort is needed?! 

Anyway THANKS FOR READING! you sexy people.


I'm doing a competition for you guys! 

so read on if you're interested...

Still here? Good. Well you are through to the next part of the competitionmu.. WOOOO!

Well you see I don't know what is going to happen next! (How foolish of me!) But I know that you all have a great imagination and know what you want to happen, am I right? I know I'm right :P Well anyway comment or inbox (Or tweet @That1Dthing_x ) me what you want to happen and if I like your idea I will put you in my fanfic!:D So get commenting/inboxing/tweeting!!!!

Again thanks for reading

and I hope to see you again soon

Over and out!:P



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