Chapter 5/10~ Shizuo

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  (Y/N) walked along the street with Shizuo, every other step, she glanced up at him.
His face was set in a scowl, and looked down at the ground, with his hands in his pockets.

(Y/N) sighed lowly, tucking back a section of hair. Her boots skimmed the brick walk way, creating a low clicking sound.
Shizuo shot a glance at her quizzically.
"You're annoyed."
"Heh, I am." He said lowly, his eyes darting back to glaring at the bricks.
"...You're not angry at me right?"

Shizuo looked down at her, his blue tinted glasses shinning in the sunlight.
"No, I'm not." he grumbled, his hand twitching.
"Oh good!" Said (Y/N) happily, extending her hand and tugging on his, hoping he'd follow her.
He did, grumbling all the way. By now, Shizuo wasn't fazed by her shifts in mood, and hoped she'd distract him from the growing hatred of Izaya.
She trotted along fast, Shizuo not needing to take long strides as he followed.
As they neared a coffee shop, he stopped, using her momentum to yank her backwards into his arms.

"I don't like you being near him, how did he find you?" He murmured, pressing his pale face into her silky locks. Shizuo breathed calmly, his heartbeat slowing.
"I-I was just walking... and he, um, he grabbed me." (Y/N) said, her voice growing high. She was never one to lie.
"But everything is fine now, don't worry about it, I'll be car-" A small sound escaped her lips and her mouth was set into a grimace.
"Shh, don't do that." She said, feeling his iron grip on her fingers. "I... I can't help it, It makes me... mad, madder than I've ever been when I see you with him. Or anyone else besides me." He said, his voice gruff.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, his grip still tight. "I know, just.... let me take over today." He let go, kissing her hand lightly, hinting at an apology. She sighed, reaching up to dust and straighten his black satin bowtie. (Y/N) stood on tiptoe, kissing him back, but on the nose - his face was surprised, as she loved that so - and they were off, heading to the next attraction for her keen mind to focus on.  

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