A Day Off

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 It's a long time before I wake up, though it's still far too early by my accounts. The sun is now brightly streaming in through the sheer curtains and I can faintly hear birds chattering away from outside. I'm honestly surprised I had slept this late. Not that I like mornings, but I've gotten so used to waking up early. I look across from me, where a rock band-themed calendar rests and I study it for a moment, figuring out what day it was. The Winchester's pack dinner was on Saturday, which would make today Monday. Cursing to myself I reach to the bedside table, searching for my phone. It was the cheapest I could find and I really only used it for school as a way to contact my teachers or Sophia if I needed to. I had plugged it in Sunday night when we got back from searching for Gabe and it had been lying there since. I quickly grabbed it up, squinting at the screen as I unlocked it. The time flashed up at me and I groaned. I had a class in 10 min. I look back over to Anna and Sophia, who were both sleeping peacefully, one of Anna's arm curled around me securely. I look back at the scene, pulling up my teacher's' email address. I quickly type out a short message to each of them explaining I had a family emergency over the weekend and would regretfully not be able to attend their classes for the next few days. I didn't go into any details, but I'm sure they would understand. I would hope so at least. I set the phone back down beside me, sighing happily as I watched Sophia stir slightly in her sleep. After a few minutes my phone chirped, alerting me to an incoming message. Glancing to make sure I hadn't woken them, Sophia curled her nose and shifted her grip on Anna was all, I picked my phone back up. One teacher had already responded, telling me I was excused and I could get back to them to speak about assignments. They assured me they knew I wouldn't skip unless it was important and wished my family well. I smiled at the message, glad they understood. I once again set my phone down, stretching and rolling my back, glad when it popped. From somewhere downstairs I could hear people talking quietly and I decided it was time to get up. I slid my hand under Anna's arm which was still wrapped around me. I carefully held it up, sliding out from under and replacing the spot with my pillow. She gladly gripped onto it, pulling it tightly to herself and curling around it, making a small noise in her sleep as she did so. Smiling I silenced my phone, snapping a photo of them both sleeping before slipping it in my back pocket and walking downstairs.

Once downstairs I was greeted by Mary who was in the kitchen cooking and chatting with Gabe who was sat on the barstool. "Good morning, Gabriel, Ms. Winchester." I smile at them, sliding into the chair next to my brother. Mary turned around, a frown on her face. She stood threateningly in front of me, wielding her spoon as a weapon.

"Cas, what did I say about call me Ms. Winchester? Call me Mary?" With a hand on her hip and a scowl on her face, I had to say she looked menacing. Gabe stifled a laughed, nudging me in the side playfully. I huff a small laugh as well, nodding in consent to her. Mary was a force to be reckoned with, as told to me by Sophia and Dean both, and I didn't want to upset her. "Right. Is Soph or the kids up yet?" she asked, turning back to the stove to flip the pancake she had cooking.

"No, not yet. Well, Sophia or Anna aren't. I'm not sure of Alfie." Gabe sneaks a slice of bacon from the nearby plate, holding a piece out for me. I smile, taking it from my brother with a small nod.

"No, he isn't going to wake for a while. Kid was out like a light last night. Though he was awfully concerned if you were okay or not after Anna scratched you. Did she get ya good?" I grimaced slightly, remembering her claws digging into my skin. I rest a hand over my chest where the bandage is, rubbing it gently.

"Yes, she scratched me fairly well. It will be sore for a few days. But it wasn't her fault." Gabe smiles sadly, sneaking to steal another piece of bacon. This time Mary caught him, turning around and smacking his hand lightly. I laugh at them and he turns, pouting at me.

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