Jacksepticeye x Reader Fanfiction Part 1

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Author's Notes

Okay so before this all starts I wanted to say that (BFN) just means (Best Friends Name),(YN) of course means (Your Name), (YFC) means (Your Favorite Coffee), and (BFFC) means (Best Friends Favorite Coffee). BTW In the beginning there are quite a lot of Time Skips. Also, I'm not going to finish this fanfiction this is just Part 1 of it.


I suddenly get a call. It's from (BFN). "Hey what's up?" She answers excitedly. "Oh nothing... Just that I got us some tickets to IRELAND!!!!!!" "YOU DIDN'T." "Oh I did." She says as I almost scream my head off. (Que Fangirl Scream) "When do we leave?!?!" I say as I grab my suitcase and start packing. "Tomorrow." "Well I better get my stuff ready!" I hang up. "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I'M GOING TO IRELAND!!!" (If you read the description you would know why she is freaking out...or if you read the title... back to the story!) I finish packing my clothes and cannot wait until tomorrow.

(Time Skip)

Chapter 2: Ireland Here We Come!

"*Sigh* I can't believe we're going to Ireland!" I say so excited. "I know right?" (BFN) says happily. After a few hours we land. "We're finally here!" "Yeah. Well let's go get to our hotel!"

(Time Skip...Again)

We get to our hotel and we get to our hotel room. "*Sigh* I can't believe you got us tickets (BFN)!" I scream with happiness. "Well I know how much you love Jack!" "Well I'm going to bed." (BFN) says yawning. "Yeah same."

(Time Skip... NUUUUU!!!)

Chapter 3: Who's That?

The sun wakes me up and I see (BFN) already awake. "What's up sunshine?" "I'm hungry..." I say hungrily. "Of course you are..." "Yes I am... I saw a cafe on the drive here..." "Well let's go then (YN)!" We walk to the cafe and order coffee I get a (YFC) and (BFN) gets a (BFFC). So where do you wanna sit (BFN)?" "I don't care." "Okay I'll sit over here." We sit at a table next to a window farthest from the door. we get our coffee's and we get our breakfast and I see green out of the corner of my eye. "(YN)? W.....who...I..is Th...that?" "That's Sean. Just calm down and BE COOL." "O..okay.." She says relaxed... kinda.

Jack's POV

Woah... who is that? Maybe I should go meet her... "Hey... I'm Sean. What's your name?" She says beautifully, "My name's (YN)." "That's a beautiful name. It's true... it is..."


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