You're Just A Memory..

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I stare endlessly into the empty corner down the hall. It was once full of life.

A quiet shy life sat there.


She sat in that corner everyday with her nose shoved into a book, her icy blue eyes flickering from page to page. Slowly pushing her silky raven hair behind her small ears with her long slender fingers.

It was odd.

It was odd that I could remember the little things about this strange girl. It felt like she was apart of my life.

Yet, she's wasn't.

The ringing of the bell ripped through my ears sending me flying down the hall to my next class.

English. My least favorite class.

I rushed through the halls dodging people left and right. I was almost to my class when I slipped on some water from our leaking fountain.

My books fly and my papers scatter in every direction.

It felt like it was going in slow motion. Seeing everything fall as I do.

A small pain creeps to the lower part of my back as I hit the floor hard. I lay there for a bit in shock of what happen before rounding up all my stuff and rushing off right to English.

I reach the door to English. I prepared myself for the stares I would get for being late. I slipped into the class room with out being seen.

Thank god.

I quietly got to my seat without Mrs Winston seeing me. I take a seat in my beat up old desk.

Some school. Beat up desks. Broken chairs. Leaky roofs. Smashed mirrors. Cracked walls. It was like a prison.

A prison no one could escape. Ever.

I tried my hardest to focus on the lesson but my eyes had wondered over to the only empty desk in the class.


Her head would be just be buried in her binder. Having her fingers tips just slightly peeking out of her dark colored sweaters.

Trying her hardest not to get called on by the teacher. The redness that would flood out her pale cheeks when she was.


That's what they were. Just memories, but why am I getting them. How am I remembering all this from a girl I don't even know. That I never even met.


With a snap of which sounded like thunder sent me flying out of my desk on to the chipped floor, making me scrape both my arms. Great.

"Mrs Jones! Pay attention to the lesson or you'll go to the office!" Mrs Winston huffed at me.

I quickly glanced up at her. The first thing I saw was her eyes.

Eyes full of hate and anger.

I felt warm something warm running down my arms. I didn't even have to look to know I was bleeding. I never broke eyes contact with Mrs Winston.

"Can I got to the washroom to clean my arms?" I ask quiet harshly. Too harshly for her liking. She looked me right in the eyes as if she was trying to burn my helpless soul to black ashes.

"Go." She hissed like a slithery snake. She gave me a final look before snapping her head back into the lesson.

I sat there for a second like I had lost the ability to stand up. I finally do get up and leave this hell room lead by that foul demon.

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