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(Gamer I guess is no longer gonna be in here (for her own POV of course not like out of the story completely) so thank you gamer. It means a lot that you participate in this for your own part!)

Creepers POV

I have no idea where I'm going but I know I need to find Enderlox. I hate to admit it but I believe I have feelings for him. But that's beside the point I need to find gamer and enderlox. I need to find where THEY took probably both of them. I'm starting to fear I won't make it in time. It's becoming night rather fast and I'm starting to loose my breath at the same rate.

~time skip~

I have to stop and rest. The sun is gone and so is my breath. I climb a tree and find a spot I like to take a quick rest. My vision is becoming blurry as I unwillingly slip into a dark unconsciousness.

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