I Ain't No Puzzle Piece || one shot

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 I Ain’t No Puzzle Piece

Summary:  “I guess this kind of things just in your blood, but you won’t catch me carving up my love.  I ain’t no puzzle piece that needs to fit.  If it takes more than me, let’s call it quits.”

Or the one where Harry finally leaves.


  Tears are soaking his cheeks and his hands are shaking like a thousand winds.  The boy is an absolute mess, face red and blotchy, and sweat is clinging to his neck.  The pain in his chest has barely subsided as it still aches and nearly feels like it is killing him half the time.  He cannot stand this, the life of living in so many lies.  He still does not understand how or when his life starting turning into something utterly horrible.  Nothing could have prepared the boy for this.

  His final bag is packed and he is just ready to finally leave for a little while, take a small break so he has a chance to clear his mind and maybe not go so homicidal and kill someone by accidentally – obviously.

  Harry slowly zips up the bag and slings it over his shoulder and pulls the other from the bed, popping the handle and wheeling it behind him.  The tears continue to fall as he makes his way for the front door, the urge to feel sick growing stronger and stronger.

  This was it, Harry was finally going to leave the life he did not sign up for – he is going to try and push the life that is holding him back, tearing away skin slowly with each passing day.  It is all becoming too much and Harry is just done.  He is done with always being frowned upon because he is not keeping up his image or he is sick and tired of hearing about his boyfriend and her.  Harry is absolutely done being cheated on.

  Everything would have been fine would have Louis not gone and screwed it all up.  Everything seemed to be almost perfect to Harry had Louis not of accidentally dialed Harry one night.

  It had been one of those nights Harry stayed in to watch some old classic romance movies while Louis was scheduled for an appearance with Eleanor at some fancy new restaurant downtown.  The night was going fine, Harry finally feeling a little okay with the whole Louis and Eleanor thing because he knew that Eleanor was just there to cover their asses, but… but.

  Harry’s phone began to ring loudly, the table vibrating underneath and a loud annoying music sound came piercing through the quiet haze which settled in the living room.  When Harry saw Louis’ name flashing across the screen, he just thought that maybe Louis was calling him from the bathroom restaurant like he had done so many times before just so Louis could have the reassurance that Harry would be making a fresh batch of tea and getting the bed nice and comfy for his return – however, what Harry heard when he finally picked up the phone was definitely not what he was expecting to hear.

  Loud moaning echoed through the phone, confusion sweeping over Harry, him double checking to make sure that it actually was Louis.  He thought maybe it was some prank his boyfriend was trying to pull even though it honestly was not funny at all.  And the confirmation that Harry was hoping he was not going to get came seconds after.

  “Shit Eleanor, you seriously know how to make someone feel good.”  Harry did everything in his power not to projectile vomit from the mere swooping feeling that rushed through his stomach at that point.

  And it was not long before Eleanor’s sweet soft voice came through either.

  “Dammit Lou, I can’t wait till we get back to mine – can’t wait for you to fuck me into the mattress again.”

  If Harry nearly broke his phone with how hard he threw it at the wall that night, well, no one really had to know why.

  Harry’s entire world came crashing down that night, made him not believe in any happy ending anymore.  Everything had been so fucked up since that night.  Harry tried to act the same, hoping what he heard that night was just his imagination, but it was not for Louis seemed to disappear a lot more than he usually would have.

  What made it even worse was the fact that it is Eleanor he is seeing because she is a girl, absolutely no dick.  It just made Harry doubt everything about himself, what he could have done to cause this.  Was he not good enough for Louis, both in bed and socially?

  All Harry knows is when he finally left his and Louis’ apartment, only leaving a note saying ‘fuck you Louis – have fun with Eleanor’, that he thought his life may get a little better, that once he finally is able to push Louis to the back of his head and not worry about his so-called boyfriend, that maybe, he might believe in fairy tales again.

i don't even know what this is - there may be a part two, no promises.  title from the song I Don't Wanna Go On With You Like That by Elton John.

copyright ©2014 by tomlenson, all rights reserved.

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