Chapter 4(Old)

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Dedicating this chapter to my BÆ/BFF also writing buddy
Make sure to follow her and read her book. 'Mafia princess'


You know that feeling something's happening but you have no idea what.
Yeah that's happening with me. Not so long ago Xavier called a gang meeting, yet here I am in our bedroom.
I know he has a lot of money but not this much.
He's kinda got that dark mysterious theme going on I here.
Slowly losing my patience I walk over to Xavier's office.
Knocking I wait close to patiently.
"Come in." His voice is muffled through the big wooden door.
Pushing the door I walked into his area.
"Sorry but it's getting boring, so I was wondering if I could go out and meet my brothers."
"Whatever." He mumbled not looking up at me continuing with his work.
Just as I left I got a call.
It read.
"Hello." Kyle's annoying voice rang through the phone.
"Hello welcome to male whore house, how may I help you."
"Oh sorry wrong number, thought it was my sister." His voice sounded some-what confused.
Wow he really is stupid.
Tell me something I don't already know, I thought.
"It is Zoey, you dumb duck."
"But they said it's a male whore house, wait... Zoey do you work there." He asked.
"It was a joke you duck, you stup- you know what just put Blake on the phone."
I snapped.
Muffled sounds came through the phone the you could hear Kyle shout for Blake.
"Blake get your ass here, Zoey's at a male whore house and wants to talk to you."
More sounds could be heard.
"Really Zoey you had to set him off again." Blake's voices sounded tired.
"Are you ok you don't sound the good, but anyway back on target, you guys want to got to Richie's shooting range."
" yes." 3 voices sang down the phone.
"Pick me up." I said, then hanging up leaving then with no choice to change there answers.
---- Brothers have arrived ----
A knock at the door pulled me out my daze. I opened the door to reveal.....
A unicorn 🦄.
Jk just my three dumb duck brothers.
"Omg look it's Zoey, haven't seen you in so long." Kyle tried to start a conversation. Key word 'tried'
"shut it Kyle." The rest of us sibling snapped.
"Dam, what pooped in your cereal." He muttered. We all ignored him and walked to Blake's car.
---skip car ride (not that you want to read that.)------
"Freedom, oh I've never been so happy to see that outside world." Kyle launches himself out the car and onto the floor and kissed the ground.
By now me, Blake and Jamie (I know, I know my grammar but I'm tired.) have gotten used to Kyle, well to be honest he is childish but when he wants to be he can be dead serious. Anyway we walked off towards the towards Richie's shooting range, leaving Kyle to finish his make-out session. Going back to the building coming up, we get a good wiff of Gunpowder and cigarettes that lingers around. When us lot finally get in I noticed that there were no females in hear except me.
"Oh Richie boy, get your ass out here." I shout loud and clear.
The out came Richie. He's still in good shape for a 53 year old. A few grey hairs clash with his natural black hair, his strong features are still there. A couple of wrinkles have placed them self in the corner of his eyes, his figure is also good, his arms are large mostly from his muscles and to top that of a flat stomach with a defined 6 pack.
"Who the hell shouted for me." For his age (not saying anything offensive like that.) he can shout loud. All fingers on the room pointed to me, funny for a man to be feared well he does own a shooting range.
"Z-Zoey is that actually you." His voice quivered at the sight of me.
"Yes you old man, give me a hug." Opening my arms wide for him. He wastes no time in caging me in his large figure.
When Richie's done his arms push me out to his arm length.
"How are you doing, what are you doing here as well... wait don't need to answer that. Follow me and I get you set up."
I hold back a smile at his response.
We follow Richie out back to a private booth.
---- skip the shooting part -------
(Mostly don't know how to write that part but she done well.)
Once my brothers drop me off I walk to wards the front door. Pushing it open I wasn't expecting to see what I saw...
A mad Xavier.
"Where the HELL were you."
Two words for this.
We're screwed.

Hey guys thanks for the +100 reads so far.
I know I haven't been updating much but I am trying.
ALSO I had my jabs on Wednesday (DTP and another one I forgot the name of.)
So my arms are to sore to move. But all better so I wrote this chapter.
And for the 💯 reads I'm uploading a chapter on Sunday.

MAKE SURE TO CHECK MY BÆS BOOK - mafia princess -
By ThyBookLoverz
This girl is my BÆ and my writing buddy.
So make sure to do that.


(Octopus 🐙) (<- cause I can 😝😊)
*feeling proud of herself*

Bye x

Gang leaders princess (On Hold/ Editing)Where stories live. Discover now