Turbulance Trouble

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/This Is set 2 years after Tori and Jades' senior year and they've been married for 1 year and are flying back to L.A for their anniversary......Only one problem Jade can't take turbulence \

Tori's POV

Jade and I were siting and waiting at our gate eating breakfast and out of the corner of my eye I can see Jade violently shaking as she attempts to sip her coffee. I already knew why she was so nervous. Airplane turbulence gives Jade anxiety attacks.

I placed my hand on her knee and asked as comforting as I could "Babe?" She countiued to shake but less violently, she turned her head too look at me and as she looked me in the eyes, Inside her ocean-green stormy orbs, I could see the fear she was trying so hard to hide.

"Yes?" She shakily asked me, "You ok, love?" I asked her, every word laced with concern. "Tori, you know how airlines make me feel" she mumbled as she dropped her head to stare at the scuffed floor.

Ever since her father was badly hurt on a airplane during a business trip when she was young, even though he survived she always saw airplanes in a different light.

~~~~~Time jump~~~~

We're now 3 hours into the flight and everything is going fine until, over the speaker the pilot gives a message that makes Jade and I's lungs clasp and our stomach drop.

"Please buckle up everyone. Moderate turbulence is expected for the next 30 mins or so, the flight attendants will help with other safety precautions"

(A/N Yeah so I have never been on a airplane so this is all off of guess sorry for whatever is wrong)

Out of my peripheral vision I see Jades' eyes widen widen in fear, and her breathing became shaker, hyperventilating as she tried her best with her shaky hands to fasten her buckle. I quickly fasten both her and I's belts. Almost immediately after I hear the click of my belt the cabin starts to violently shake.

Jade looks at me with glossy eyes. In her watery blue-green eyes I see a storm of worry, fear, and despair all swarming in her head. As she slowly mumbles "I can't breathe" she kept repeating it rapidly and louder each time till she was basically yelling the three words that cause me so much pain.

As tears streamed down her fear-stricken face I pulled her into my embrace as she shakily cried into my shoulder. I rubbed circles into her back until she pulled away after our 7 minute embrace she looked me straight in the eyes and took a deep breath and said "I'm going to be ok" and In her eyes I saw newfound determination.

I grabbed her hand and with my other wipes the tears from her cheeks. As I wiped her tears I cupped her cheek and felt her lean in to my touch. I leaned over the arm rest kissed her forehead and whispered to her while our faces were centimeters apart
"Your such a brave one"

She gave me a slight smile as the cabin continued to shake I sat back and squeezed Jades hand. Not to where it hurt but enough so she knows I'm here for her. She continued to take slow deep breaths and calm herself little by little.
~~~~~Time jump~~~~~
As we walked through our gate and into the airport I was pulled into an embrace by a blur of raven-black long curls and as I saw the streaks I returned the embrace to Jade.

As she pulled away she held my waist and said something so low I barely heard it "Thank you, Princess" as I wrapped my arms around her neck i gave her a look of confusion yet loving "For what?" I asked my beautiful wife she instantly replied with "For being here" I pulled her closer and whispered through her curls


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