29. Mistletoe Kiss

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You stand by the fire, your head leaning on his chest, his arms around your waist. He softly hums to the tune of “Everything About You” and you close your eyes, getting lost in the melody. He stops abruptly and you lift your head up to see him staring at something above your heads. He lowers his head to look at you and smile, “Mistletoe,” he murmurs as he leans in and kisses you gently. You pull him closer and smile into the kiss as he tightens his grip around your waist.


You’re waltzing around the living room at his house on Christmas Eve. You’re both in your pajamas and it’s almost midnight. You’re so glad for the holidays and the time off from school. But right now, you have to help Dalton practice his dancing for the formal next weekend. “How about a break?” he asks, eyes pleading. “Alright,” you agree. He takes your hand in his, making your heart pound as he pulls you under the stairs with him. “Um, Dalton?” He points up, “Mistletoe,” and crashes his lips against yours.


“Babyyy,” he whines from the couch, making grabby hands at you. You’re standing about four feet away, but it’s too far for him to reach. You giggle to yourself, taking in his tired, half-asleep demeanor. “C’mere, I have mistletoe,” he holds it above his head and pouts. You shrug and grin, “I guess you’ll just have to catch me.” You take off running through the house and he follows, catching you quickly. He holds the mistletoe above his head once again, his eyes sparkling. You give his a quick peck on the lips and smile.


“Kiss me, kiss me,” Gabe’s been singing the lyrics to “Close Your Eyes” all day today and you’re been walking around, checking for hidden mistletoe. So far, none. You can’t help but wonder what he might have planned for you today. Now you’re both standing in the kitchen, making sugar cookies, and he’s still humming. You pop a tray of cookies into the oven and turn around to see him grinning at you. “Kiss me,” he says, holding mistletoe up above you. You don’t hesitate to comply.


His arms are wrapped around your waist from behind as he nuzzles his face into your shoulder. You’re flipping through the television channels, but all he wants to do is cuddle. Not that it’s a bad thing, but you’ve been trying to get his attention all day and he just has horrible timing. “Will,” you groan, annoyed. He smiles at you sweetly and drags you up, off the couch and towards the doorway. “What?” you huff. He simply points up and replies, “Will this make up for today?” You smile and kiss him in response. 

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