Guardian Angel In 1965

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this is a story that my mother told me about a paranormal experience she had when she was a child. My mom and I are very close, so she's opened up to me about many painful secrets of the abuse she endured in her childhood. Her environment was very dangerous during her early years... And I always believed her survival was due to a guardian spirit, or angel, protecting her. The story she told me confirmed this to be true! She was a smart little kid, but of course there is only so much a child can do... And in the moments when she was vulnerable, something beyond her definitely stepped in to protect her.

My mom grew up in Chicago in the 1960's. Her mom, my grandmother, was a nightmare of a person. She was a sociopath and an alcoholic. She didn't have empathy or compassion to begin with, and then she was even more bitter from the alcohol because she hated her life. She was a wealthy, well-educated woman who appeared very put together... But hardly anyone knew how how much of a dysfunctional mess she really was. She would do the minimum as a mother, like making dinner, but as far as any emotional attention or affection toward her kids... She gave nothing. So that was what caused my mom, who was probably five or six at the time, to wander around Chicago alone. No joke... A six year old wandering around CHICAGO all by herself!

During the summer my mom started realizing that she wasn't getting very much attention during the day. She would be given lunch, and she then was left to fend for herself all afternoon while her mom drank. So at some point she started wandering away, looking for any place to be besides that house. My grandmother was probably too drunk to even notice (and even if she did notice she wouldn't have really cared). The only rule was to be home for dinner, treating my mom as if she was sixteen instead of six. Eventually this led to my mom being way out of the neighborhood and near a busy intersection. She was planning to cross the street and go even further. That's when I believe her guardian stepped in.

She described it as she was walking down the sidewalk thinking about crossing the street... When all the of the sudden she saw a "big kid", probably ten or eleven years old, walking by her side. He asked her where she was going and she told him, "The other side of that road." He then explained to her that it was very dangerous and that she needed to walk with him (it's interesting that he never told her to go home!) So he helped her get across the road. When they got to the other side, she looked around and realized he was gone in about one second. The only thing behind them, on that side, was a field. She didn't seem him run into the field, or go back across the street. She was looking for him but after that day she said she never saw him again, as if he was only meant to be there for that one day.

I wonder if my mom would have even made it across without his help? I probably owe my life and the fact that my mother ever managed to grow up, to this mysterious helper!

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