Entry 1

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                                 Journal 88
      I look out the window and see nothing but different things. I take these pictures to save what I've seen. Because i know I struggle with a illness... it's tattooed on my arm. Every day I wake up remembering nothing from the day before. As I write in this journal I try to remember what happened yesterday but.. like the doctors say the past doesn't matter anyways....the flowers in the bushes below gloom bright like no tomorrow...the little clouds hide them behind a slow wisk of fog.. and these..these foggy people that surround me scratch my body with nothing but blood to see .. I know this seems horrible but you haven't met me.. -Sky Cameron

Hey just thought I'd let a little poetry inter the first part of the story chapter 1 will be up tomorrow

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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