Chapter 11

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No One's POV

She lost consciousness after Hwasa woke up "Eomma...Appa" They just looked at her kinda happy but empty at the same time. "Eomma what's wrong?" They looked at the unconscious Rina "Are you her bully?" It was hard for her to answer while looking at them in the eye "If you are you must stop she looks familiar and.." 

They never imagined to meet their long lost friend's daughter. "What do you mean?" The doctor explained of her rare illness that will cause her death. "Is there no cure?" The doctor shook his head "I told her to stay put but I guess the girl never listens."

BTS looked after Rina like there won't be no tomorrow. "Sorry if I made you worried" She finally woke up from her slumber. "Don't do that again and since we know your secret.." she gave something to the "Help me with this" they gave her a questioning look.

"So all we have to do is drink this?" She nodded and signaled Jungkook to not do so. "Okay then""For your sake" They drank it with one gulp and boom. 

"Rina-yah what are we doing here?" She chuckled "You went here to meet with Hwasa's parents" Jungkook laughed at his Hyungs. "You're all clueless" Exactly Hwasa's parents went in the room.

"Since I was able to bring her back you let the boys go" Rina smiled "You had her smile""You had his eyes"  She looked at them confused. "I hope your mom and dad forgives us about what Hwasa did" she just stood up and went out.

She knew where it was going. "Rina-yah" She shook her head "Nari ibnida" she went to her mom's room. "Eomma where the fucking hell did you go? Why is it so hard trying to find you? Can't you at least give me a fucking clue?" She hit herself.

Namjoon's POV

You know when a person is suffering, when she tries to keep everything to herself. "Shall I follow her?" They all nodded. I followed her to where she went, it was her mother's hospital room. I can't clearly hear what she's saying but I know she is cursing, One way to hide yourself is to hurt yourself.

I opened the door and stopped her from hitting yourself. "Your mom won't like it if you do that" She looked at me and hugged me. "Sometimes it's better to cry than keep everything to yourself." She started crying "I'm always here to be your crying shoulder."

I think my words helped her a bit. "They talk about my mom and dad like they knew them.." I stopped drinking my coffee. "They act as if I could forgive their daughter" She continued "So what's your plan?" She looked at me then at her left "Get rid of the future in front of me."

I just looked at her eat and drink. "Are you that starving?" She nodded "This happens once a week so I don't eat for.." She stopped knowing where this would bring us. "You at least need to eat" She nodded "Ne, Hyung."

It was nice being called Hyung but nicer when called Oppa. "Can't you make an exemption for me?" She laughed at what I said "Ne Oppa." I looked at her believing that all of this is not an act. "Don't worry this isn't an act, I'm not that good at acting anyway" How did she even know what  is what?!

I brought her back to her room and made her rest. "You better rest, Jungkook said you have a long day tomorrow" She chuckled then sighed "I hope we find Eomma tomorrow" She immediately slept.

I looked at her, more like stared at her the whole time she slept. Just exactly when I was dozing off Yoongi Hyung went in. "Suga Hyung" I waved my hand, he waved back "How's she doing?" I nodded, he knew what it meant. "I talked to that ghost man again."

Hyung said that currently a ghost man, as he sad it, has been talking to him since after that incident. "What did he say this time?" He looked at me gloomily "Keep her alive no matter what and remember what happened to me.." Even the smartest person in this world would never understand.

"Hyung maybe you should try asking that ghost man" I emphasized ghost man "You know I'm not kidding, right?" I shivered at his tone. "Yah Yoongi Hyung don't bother me, Yuri stop him.." Rina said in her sleep "Heol, she's sleep talking."

It isn't our first to see her do this but there was something fishy. "Hyung why did she call your name?" He looked at where Rina was "It's the ghost man" he pointed. 

I hit him on the head "Hyung don't joke" he shook his head "This is no joke, look clearly." I tried to look clearly but so no one at all. "Okay never mind, he said you won't see him and his name was Yoongi, same as mine" Wow, how fast is this ghost really.

Yoongi's (Ghost) POV

I tried to explain it to that moron but doesn't get me at all. Doesn't he even remember what he did? How can he forget so easily? At least he would surely watch over my Rina.

"Yah don't you wanna talk to me one on one?" He just looked at me "Aren't you talking now?" I want to smack him but nearly impossible. "Just wait when we merge.." He looked at me confused "So what's my connection with you?" I just huffed "I was you before but after the accident I got separated."

He just looked at me with pity. "So I am you and you are me?" I nodded "When are you planning to go back?" I shrugged "I guess when she's stable enough to live." I chuckled at the thought of living again "But you know you can watch over her even though your back."

"I know but you see there will be one consequence.." He gulped knowing it would be bad "You have to remember everything that happened in my and your memories." He flashed his gummy smile "At least we could both help Rina."

I see his intention is good but I can't just leave Rina without a goodbye.

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