summery before killing

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hahaha loser.

yeah he is a freak

hell,i never knew he was a cat i would take him to the shelter.

you got those comments from you everyday,from family,bullies at school and the teachers.


BEEPBEEPBEEP.the sound of your alarm clock went of again so it could wake you up in this hell spawn called you lazly got up and went to your closet and got a f/c shirt.and black ripped jeans with a pair of your shoes,so you went to take a shower,you didnt mind shower water,but if you got slashed with water then theres a body in the dumpster.then after your shower you put your crap on and went downstairs your parents only looked at you like you just got up,well you did.

morning mom,dad

dont talk to me.'sips coffee'

stupied child i wish you will just die.

ok i will mom.




i was on my phone lisening to wake me up when september ends,then you find your face to the ground,N your school bully tripped you and you cracked your phone it was fine though.

what do you want N

i just want you to die.

i cant die N


"takes out knife"

wow y/n you gonna kill us or something.

why infact i will and i WILL in joy it.

yeah right im not gonna go to hell with you.

well you get to feel my pain.

then y/n lashes at N and stabs him in the heart and dips his hand in N blood and writes ' i made him purrfact' then you let your ears and tail come out and your all bloody but you dont give a crap,then you walk to school like nothing happend and your school is a little small like 200 students,so when you get there you kill the people in the front office then the classrooms,so after you are done killing every one you take there blood to the front of the school and write ' i made them purrfact' and headed to the woods and found a nice little cabin and lived there for the past 3 months,but little did you know 3 people where watching you.

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