being saved and...punished

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it has been 2 weeks sence zalgo has took you and nathan captive slender has found the code to open the was difficult to contact the gods but he managed so slender went in the portal with no other creepy pastas he went to zalgos castle and bargged in but what he didnt know is that you and nathan were put in an electucution room so when slender tried to force him to give you and nathan back zalgo would press a button and you and nathan would be electricuted.

SLENDER: zalgo i want y/n and nathan back.

ZALGO: what are you going to do about it

SLENDER: i will rip you to shreds 

ZALGO: why slender you should chose your actions carefully because if you do your two friends will be electricuted.


ZALGO: thats right i have control over you know and for the fun of it i will press this button for fun.' presses electricution button'


SLENDER: no no no dont hurt them you basturd

ZALGO: i wont...maybe.

SLENDER: dont not to y/n.

then slender teleports behind zalgo kills him and releses the two uncountios y/n and nathan and teleports home.


BEN: are they going to be alright 

JEFF: i hope

SILVER: they will dont be negitive

RED: yeah they will live.

SLENDER: they are waking up.

then you and nathan wake up and look around then look at your selves your clothing is torn y/n has a scar on his check and nathan has a scar on his hands,you and nathen look confused then slender spoke up.

SLENDER: why didnt you tell us you where going to a party with zalgo,and dont say because we can i am very diapointed at your actions you dont know how worried we where it toke me 2 weeks to help you guys,why did you guys go you know i would of said no because we care about your guys saftey but you go to the party i hope you guys never do that again.

YOU: ...' starts to tear up eventuly crying'

NATHAN: ...' starts to cry'

YOU: ' still crying' where sorry i thought i could give him a second chance.

NATHAN: 'still crying' yeah and if we did tell you,you would say no and we wanted t go.

SLENDER: ...stop crying

YOU: im sorry im sorry im sorry...

NATHAN: sorry im sorry im sorry.

SLENDER: i said you can stop crying.

YOU: ...sorry

NATHAN: we should of lisend 

SLENDER: its okay you two need some sleep now go to your room and sleep

then you and nathan go to your room and sleep.

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