I got problem of my own....

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I always wonder why my mom and dad keep me at home I want to go somewhere...where I can be free from where there's no moms or dads that tells you not where not to go....I wish I can do things by myself........I wish I can stay at Jessalyn's forever I want her to be my true sister right now. I wish I can go wherever I want to go if I can I'll just got Jessalyn's all the time lime whoever Man I need more friends this year is going to be horrible I just know it I want to be away from my parents I hate when my dad always yells at me I just really want to cry or just run away from home and go somewhere there's no body can yell at me I want to be in a family that always cares for me I want a family to stop yelling at each other Why can I just be with my friends and my other family. I....just feel like....I don't like him very much.....but I want spend time with Jessalyn a lot so very much I want a room by myself so I can in a dark room and be on my iPod if I get an iPod I really want one so badly and my sister is so annoying with her perfect boyfriend and her perfect life, I would like one of those days I would like a boyfriend that's nice and kind or whatever that's funny, I would love that a lot. My dad is always yelling at me even my siblings well I'm going to go now I'll talk to you again tomorrow if I have any problems tomorrow later.....

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