The Party

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"Your drink, my good sir," you do a little bow as you hold out a glass of champagne to George. He laughs at your little bow and the weird voice you used.

"Thank you, me lady," he bows towards you and you both laugh together. "You're adorable," he says with a smile and kisses your forehead since he's a few inches taller than you.

You hit his chest gently, "paws off buddy, you gotta lead those ladies on to keep that popularity," you say jokingly as Geo rolls his eyes.

"Not when it comes to ye," he slings his arm around your waist and pulls you onto his lap as he sits down. You obviously don't argue; you get comfy on his lap. With an arm around his neck, you peck his cheek before sipping your champagne.

"If you become the least favorite beatle because girls find out that you have a girlfriend, don't blame me" you laugh and poke his chest.

He laughs harder than expected and it makes you happy. "There's no way i could beat Ringo on the least liked scale," he rest his forehead on your shoulder as he laughs.

"Hey that's rude!" you say while laughing with him. Ringo's cute, and i could see why people would like him!" you try and defend the poor boy.

"Men maybe!" John chimes in from a few feet next to the two of you, and it only makes you laugh harder.

"I mean come on! Look at him dance!" George has trouble saying due to his constant laughing.

You both look over to the dance floor, spotting him immediately. He punches the air ferociously as his hair whips around. He jumps a few times to the beat, which doesn't really work with the song.

Watching him dance only makes tears form in your eyes as you can feel your abs from laughing too hard "W-why does he dance like that!?"

"He's the drummer! He doesn't know better," George's smile glows of happiness as you laugh harder, if possible "okay okay okay," he breaths trying to calm down from laughing so hard. "But what about his nose? oh my gOD hiS nOSe! it's bigger than the Earth's fucking atmosphere! We're going to bloody run out of oxygen because of that big fella!"

You hold your stomach as happy tears fall from your eyes, your laughing only getting worse.

"And the amount of times he leaves the studio because he get frustrated! No wonder john keeps the self help book in Ringo's drum case!" Johns now laughing at the insults as he joins the conversation.

"i bought him a new one! Self-Help: With a DVD," George is laughing harder now as you almost fall to the ground from laughter.

We all watch ringo dance as we laugh way too hard to be healthy. Ringo makes eye contact with us and stops dancing before he flicks us off and storms out of the room. Quickly, John gets the self help book and chases after Ringo.


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