06 || You Knocked Her Up?!

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Donatello, the teenage mutant turtle dressed as a human who had just learned that he is going to father a baby races home with a ton of images and voices flashing inside his head. Everything is beginning to stress him, overwhelming him and most of all, he is terrified.

I choose to keep this baby.

Together one night.

It is yours.

Don whimpered as he felt the feeling of a whole new role take over him. He shoved people to the side, not caring about their personal space. People yelled at him and he crossed many crosswalks and soon found the alleyway where the lair was located. Then, those tears swelled in his eyes--he couldn't handle this anymore. He felt so irresponsible and ashamed of what he has done.

"A baby?!" He cried, opening the manhole, and began to climb down the ladder where the water slide leads him back home. As soon as Don made it to the lair, he turned back to his normal self with the help of his watch. "A baby..."

Donnie pants and steps out of the water slide, drenched with the fabric of his pants sticking to his legs and water trickling down his limbs. He did his best to not display his emotions under an incredible amount of pressure.

Leonardo was the first brother to question Donatello. "Where were you? You missed training."

"I... I needed some air." Don grabbed a towel by the slide and patted himself down from the water.

"Dude," Raphael added. "You've been acting weird! Well, weirder!"

"What's going on with you, Don?" Michelangelo asked.

Donnie sighed as he threw the damp rag on the floor and looks down. He needed to face his brothers because he couldn't keep lying to them-- they don't deserve it. It is best to spill out what he is keeping.

"I haven't been honest with you guys. Speed... stealth... and I have not been doing honor." He walks to a chair and sat sluggishly, leaning over his knees and folding his hands together with a deep sigh. Boy, this is not going to be easy to break to his brothers. 

"Not being honest? This I have to hear." Leo put a hand on his hip.

"I did something." Donnie's voice shook.

Raphael and Mikey sat down with Leo still standing. "What did you do?" Mikey asked.

"I..." Don pushed himself a little more so he could get it all out. "I t-turned... human."

"Did I hear you correctly?" Leo snapped. "What are you--"

"And I'm still becoming human... with the watch I have." Donnie looks up with guilt, showing off the device on his wrist.

Leo could feel his anger rising. "Human, how? We got rid of the purple ooze a long time ago."

"I kept some of it. I used it because I saw a girl and--" He shrugged. "It was love at first sight."

"Okay..." Mikey says. "You kept the purple ooze, saw a girl, and became human just to meet her?" He wanted to clarify.

"Yeah." Donnie nods.

Mikey thought this was quite amusing! Since he can't do anything like what his brother did, he praised him for it. "My man!" He laughed, glancing at Raph and Leo. They were not happy. "...Sorry."

The leader is still having a hard time wrapping his head around this. He took a step closer to Donnie. "Donnie, why would you do this? Out of the four of us, I would think Mikey would pull this sh*t!"

"Thanks...?" Mikey looked at Leo.

"I'm so sorry! I'm sorry..." Don says, trailing off for a moment. "But there's more to the story than just me being human."

"Pssh, what else could you do? It's not like you can knock her up, that's impossible." Raph smirks, perking an eyebrow ridge. Donnie looked up out of his glasses and tucked his lips into his mouth with Raphael losing the smile. Donnie gave a nervous smirk.

"Donnie, you didn't..." Leo groaned.

"You knocked her up?!" Raph barked in complete shock.

"Y-Yeah... she and I got carried away and it... happened." Don could feel that the tension was getting worse. He looks up at his older brother who appeared to be angry. "Leo, I'm sorry." Donnie says looking to the leader.

"My gosh, Donatello." The oldest brother rubs his eyes. "Are you sure you got this chic pregnant?"


"Pun intended." Mikey smiled.

"Stop with the jokes, bro." Raph said. "So, Donnie kept the ooze, turns human, bangs a female, and what next? Marriage?! Does this girl even know you're a six-foot talking turtle?!"

"No. She doesn't know who I am." Donnie replies, embarrassed about Gray not knowing who he really is under a fancy watch.

"Good luck telling her. She'll flip when she finds out that she got pregnant by a turtle." Raphael says, groaning loudly. "And I'm being honest, I didn't think you'd have the guts to have f*cking sex!" Raph finished, beginning to laugh at his little brother.

Don covered his face, pinching the bridge of his nose, and looks up at Leo. The leader had disappointment written all over his face. "Leo?"

The blue-clad turtle didn't say anything, he turns away and walks from the conversation. Geez, he really must be upset and Don didn't blame him. Raphael and Michelangelo chose to sit and stay with Donnie to continue this talk. Mikey seemed to be the happiest out of the four brothers.

"Don, we'll help out." Mikey smiles. "I mean, I'd like a... niece or nephew."

"Mm-hm. I'm going back to Gray's at some point."

"Gray?" Raph leans in.

"Grayson. That's her name." Donatello confirmed with his brothers. "She is stunningly beautiful and... I don't know her."

"Donnie, you've been seeing her for how long?" Asked Raph.

"Not long." Don says. "Gray walked out on me the night we did it and I never saw her again until today."

"I'm assuming you just found out she's pregnant?" Raph catches on.


Mikey butts in. "She walked out on you at what time?"

"5:00 a.m. in the hotel room where room service had my ass for the payment." Donnie scoffs.

Mikey and Raph chuckle. "But with the crime going on around here, how are you going to take care of Gray and the baby? Never thought I'd say those words." Raph snickers.

"We'll organize something. I have to tell her I'm a mutant first and--" Donnie sighed. "This isn't going to be easy. I'm just worried about what her family will think."

"Donnie, I may not be an expert on this whole baby thing, but I think you should slowly tell Gray who you are and how this will work. You're not human. She's used to being around people, not mutants." Raph says.

"Yeah, man. Don't drive the train down the track too quick. You do, it'll be stressful for her and the little bun in the oven." Mikey nodded, still excited about being an uncle in the back of his head.

"Thank you, guys." Donnie grinned at them, feeling like things will get better somehow. "I see Gray tomorrow. Do you think Leo will be okay?"

"I'm sure he will, Don. Don't sweat." Mikey answered.  "He'll get over it and jump in to help. April, Isabel, and Casey should as well."

"Isabel?" Donnie glanced up, slightly concerned.


Donatello didn't like the sound of that name. He is not a big fan of Isabel because she is pretty clingy. "She has a crush on me, I swear. She'll get jealous or something."

"It's Isabel, Donnie. She has a crush on all of us." Mikey grinned.

"Whatever..." Says Donnie, getting up from the chair and going for his lab. "I need some time to think."

Raphael and Michelangelo exchanged glances with each other, feeling like this was going to be a very crazy ride. All they can do is support and be there for Don... and Splinter was the next to know about Donnie's choices. Who knows how he will act toward all of this.

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