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Have you ever cried yourself to sleep and then when you wake up you realize that was the best nap ever?

I woke up squinting my eyes at the brightness coming through the heavy curtains.

I turned my phone back on and looked around yawning. I saw that I had a text from Loren saying goodnight and that she's be in my room first thing in the morning

I then heard a knock on the door I open it to see Loren holding some McDonald's breakfast in her hand i gave her a hug and let her in.

" So how was your night i texted you and you didnt answer." she said.

" I was with nick." i said with no emotion in my voice.

" Wow really! Wait why don't you sound excited i thought you liked him?" she said in a concering way.

I told loren everything that happended. She gave me a hug and told me that everything was going to be okay. I got in the shower, and washed my hair i got out putting on a grey croptop with a pair of skinny blue jeans and a leather jacket with whit converse.

i packed my stuff and finished my breakfast and headed downstairs with loren.

"Hey whats up hun!" kylee said hugging both loren and I.

i told kylee what happened last night and she hugged me also.

we boarded the bus and I found my bunk putting all my stuff in it. As i was sitting in my bunk i heard nicks voice. I had completely forgotten that he was on the same bus. I felt hungry and decided to go out and get some food, when i came out nicks eyes brightened he gave me a smiled back but my smile quickly faded when i saw sitting​ next to kristen.

"nick you're so freaking cute!" she said obivoasly trying to make me jealous.

i grabbed an apple and headed back to my bunk.

"hey paige can i talk to you?"

i turned around to see kristen standing up headed tword me.

"umm sure" i said

she followed me into the back of the bus where no one could hear us.

"look i know nick went to go see you last night and all im gonna say is you need to keep your grimy little hands off of him hes mine now , i mean did you ever think he wpuld ever go for a girl like you? he talks about how stupid you are all the time" she started to laugh in my face all the anger i had felt

Toward nick was gone and all i wanted to do was scream but before i noticed anything my hand had conected with her face

"oh my god you crazy bitch!" yelled kristen holding her face

everyone rushed to the back of the bus

"what the hell happended here?!" ask nick looking at me

"that crazy bitch hit me! " she yelled

"if you call me a bitch one more time ill show how crazy i can get" i yelled back. Loren took me to the front of the bus to calm me down.

i told loren what happened and she was fuming i had to stop her from going at her!

Nick came to the front of the bus and looked at me.

"what happended!" nick said

" Ask your little girlfiend because i never want to talk to you again!" i screamed with tears in my eyes.

The bus made a stop and i grabbed my stuff and went to the bus with kylee and edwin and other people.

i told them everything that happeded and edwin said he woukd talk to nick the buses pulled off and i cried myself to sleep.

HEYYYY GUYS! new chapter hope you enjoy hope you guys have a great day or rest of your night <3!

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