The beginning of a great adventure

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Dopey stared in shock at him. He had an amazing past and he wanted to know more about his real family and who he really is. He is not Dopey but he wants to find out who he is inside. Not some young dwarf but someone else. "(whistling) who am I Doc and where is my family?" "You are Darren Skies. Youngest in your family. You have one sister and eight brothers. One of your brothers has been missing for five years" "(whistling) what else should I know Doc?" "I don't know anymore to tell you besides where you used to live" "(whistling) and where was that?" "On the edge of the enchanted forest. In a portal between realms. Go there and you will be taken to a street. Walk up that street to find a house at the top. Go inside the house and there should be your family. But one thing Dopey if you are going to go there you will be transformed into your human form. You can change forms any time you want. Just be careful" "(whistling) I'm going. I don't care how long it will take. I need to find out about the real me and my real family" "good luck Dopey" so he set off leaving the cottage he called out for his squirrel friend and he came to him. As Dopey walked further and further into the enchanted forest he talked away to his best friend on his shoulder and he would talk back. Dopey ventured on starting to climb on the trees swinging from branch to branch when suddenly he remembered something. He remembered seeing his brother Brandon doing the same thing and remembered his brother Edward saying for Brandon to be careful he doesn't become a monkey, swinging from the treetops. Dopey gasped as he even remembered his missing brother and how sad he'd looked when Dopey left. All these memories made Dopey go faster...

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