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Sleepless night
Mind wondering
Wondering if you will ever get rest
Staying up late
Looking up at the ceiling
Nothing to do but think
Think think think
It's scary
It's now 1am it's only the beginning of the night
Quickly I try to sleep
My mind to awake
I lay down and stare at my ceiling
I think and think and think
Till I can't think any more
So I though
Deep thoughts consume and devour me I can't stop thinking
Why I'm I like this
It's finally 2
The night almost over
I lie down and see a creepy shadows
I toss and turn trying to escape the outside demons
But I soon find my own
I toss and turn trying to get some sleep
Hoping to drift into some other nightmare than my own
I can't the thoughts they over rule me
I sink my nails into my stomach hopefully the pain will distract me
Only a flinch happens and I'm still here
It's 3 in the morning
I read my bible looking for answers
But it's silent
Silent as a forest...surrounded by trees
I cry out to God asking why won't he speak to me
I need help and the only way to get that is through you
I ask why won't you speak to me
I want to scream and rip my heart out and give it all to God
I lay on my bed praying that by 4:30 I'm taken by sleep

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