Battlefield (Infinite Secret Santa Repost)

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It has always been like this for the past three years as they held on to their arms and thanked each day that they set their eyes to the morning sun. He sighed as he looked at the wounded troops on cots, with bandages in every limb, flesh sore and red, faces painted with pain and grief. 

He knew it wasn’t close to end but with the negotiations on going, they were bound to have something settle by the end of this year; hopefully he thought.

“General Nam!” A soldier saluted as he received a telegraph from base. He took the slip of paper and read it with much fear in his eyes.

“The forces by the Kumsung river have been gravely wounded, General Lee barely escaped from the attack and are headed towards your camp. Stay alert.” The telegraph read and Gen. Nam quickly alerted the forces.

“I want all hands on deck. Gen. Lee and the remaining forces will be coming and I want everyone alert and ready. Don’t let your guards down.” He announced, courage and confidence exudes from the young general whose bloodline traced back to highly respected military officers of South Korea.

He heard a loud affirmation from his battalion and a placid smile graced his face.

“we will not be defeated. Daehan Minguk” He shouted and the men shouted louder “Daehan Minguk!”

He savored the screams and the brave souls in front of him before he retreated towards the infirmary where the nurses were taking care of more than a dozen wounded soldiers. He looked with grimace as his stomach churn at the ugly sight of war.

“Anything that matters, general?” A soft voice called him and a smile graced his face again.

“Prepare yourselves, Gen, Lee and his forces are coming. Anticipate the number of wounded to be high.” He said with a firm voice. “Can you handle more?” he then said with a concerned tone, the nurse smiled and nodded.

“It’s just a small duty compared to yours general.” He replied and Gen. Nam frowned at those words.

“Sunggyu...” His voice trailed as he placed his hand on the nurse’s cheek. “...please say my name.” he said, desperation laced his voice.

“Woohyun..” Sunggyu obliged, his voice velvety and smooth.

Woohyun took it in like morphine, he breathed the words and his nerves steadied. “You keep me sane Sunggyu.” He said, eyes closed and fingers gently rubbing the nurse’s fluffy cheeks.

“And you keep me alive.” Sunggyu replied, sneaking a peck on the general’s cheeks before walking towards the other nurses attending to the wounded. Woohyun couldn’t be any happier with this.


Three days after receiving the telegraph, the camp was hurrying to usher in General Lee’s forces. The General was pale and weak but he tried to lead his troops towards the camp safely. He was met by a supporting arm from Woohyun. “Sungyeol.” He said and Sungyeol smiled weakly. 

“The Chinese held a surprise attack, we didn’t have any strategies planned. I’m sorry.” He said as Woohyun shook his head.

“We’ll stand our ground and we’ll fight back.” Woohyun assured him, as he led the general towards the infirmary where the nurses were all on their toes.

“Sunggyu.” Woohyun called and the nurse made his way towards the general.

“Yes general?” He asked and Woohyun handed Sungyeol, pain painted the weak general’s face.

“Treat him. Send in the best to help him recover.” Woohyun demanded and Sunggyu nodded, asking another nurse to help him treat the general’s wounds.

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