Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley

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They passed through a portal that led them straight to Diagon Alley. This is a place where wizards buy needed supplies for Hogwarts, but not only. There were many stores. From stores for unusual animals to stores for unusual food.

''So first we must get you a wand'', said Nikolaj.

''We'll go to Ollivanders''

''You go, I'll take the necessary books.''

Lettara celery and continued down the street. Lettara saw many witches with pointed hats and robes, long to the ground. And saw in a corner a group of laughing animaguses. The animaguses are wizards that may be converted to a particular animal, selected from themselves. There were more specific and obscure streets inhabited by insane wizards or former Death Eaters. Unfortunately they had to pass through one such. On the walls of the narrow street he had posters of wanted criminals known. Lettara not know what is happening there. See store of Ollivander and dispel the dark thoughts. The shop was very quiet. Celery was not even sure if she has someone there.

- Um .. sorry?

Behind only heard rustling, then falling books. A man appeared, cursing in another language. His green suit was in dust and one of his sleeves was frayed. 

''We're looking for Mr. Ollivander'', said Lettara.

''He's standing right in front of you''

Lettara swallowed loudly. She thought that he is the assistant of Ollivander.

''Ah, Sellaria! I'm so glad to see you. Like it was yesterday when you came here to buy your first wand. Hawthorn, 14 inches, flexible with hair of unicorn?''

Sellaria nodded and looked at Lettara.

''My daughter wands to buy her first wand. Could you recommend any?''

The old wizard looked Letara. He muttered something under his nose and stepped back. Lettara looked at her mother, and then Ollivander came with a black wand with a stone ​​in the middle.

''Try this. 18 inches, with dragon heartstring, made of ebony, with moonstone.''
After Lettara grabbed the wand, the moonstone shined. That was her wand. The wand had chosen her.

Sellaria was glad that they've done quickly, because she did not want to be hanging a lot in the  magic stores, because of the rumors about her family. On leaving the shop they detected with Nikolaj, who bought already the the books, plus a broom.

''That is Nimbus 3000. The latest broom, very fast, but you need experience to manage to control it. Experience that you already have'', said her father.

Sellaria brightened, seeing the smiles of her husband and daughter.

''Now we must go only Madame Molkin for garments and we are ready.''

''Mmm.. I want a cat ... black cat .. makes me feel like ... like a real witch!''
''But you are?'', blinked Nikolaj.

Lettara paused, realizing what she said and refused to argue with his father.

''We know your size if you want we'll buy clothes and you go for animal and watch the road!''

Lettara don't even answered, she disappeared for a second. She remembered where she had seen the Pet Shop, but had to go through another dark street. She would survive. She went through a darker one than were others. There were many dark ... as if, wizards. Lettara collided with something like a werewolf, but he was human She flinched and stepped back, and behind this strange man appeared loud woman headed her wand to someone behind them. Then the woman saw Lettara and grinned insidiously. She pointed her wand at her and before she could say anything at all behind it appeared a pale boy with blond hair and blue eyes. He quickly tilted the unknown woman's wand and she looked shocked. The boy, about the age of Lettara, went to her, grabbed her by the waist and led her from the street.

''Is dangerous to walk alone in Knockturn Alley, don't you think ? Me personally, I don't think is a good idea '', said the unknown boy. 

''Knock-what? Uh, no, I..''

The blue eyes of the boy met with the golden-brown eyes of Lettara. He was unable to looked at Lettara there, now he got the chance.

''I .. do you want to send you ... wherever you go?''

''No, no problem. And I will be fine, I ... How should I call... What's your name..?''

 ''It is not particularly important. More important is what is your name?'', answered the boy with a serious look.

Lettara smiled, he smiled back under the influence of her smile.

''Lettara. Where do you stud..''

A blond man interrupted them standing next to the blond boy, probably his father.

''I'm glad that you've met, but we will now go, would you excuse us'', the man said this with a cold smile, pulling the boy in the black suit with him.

Lettara startled backed away, watching the departing blue-eyed blond boy in a black suit. His father .. he seemed familiar. Lettara had seen him somewhere.

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