Lhexine Angela P. Pangilinan

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Name: Lhexine Angela P. Pangilinan

Nickname: "Lhex"

Age: 18 years old

Birthdate: May 7, 1995

Nationality: Filipino

Status: Single

Skills and Talents: Dancing (Ballet Jazz), Knows how to Play Violin and Piano and do Horseback Riding

Sports: Taekwondo , Archery and Volleyball

Hobbies: Loves to bake and write poems

Educational Status: 2nd year college in EHU: Business Management

Member of School's:

- Women's Volleyball Team

- Dance Troupe

Batch Representative: Go Green Club

Family Background ***

Mother: Evangeline P. Pangilinan

Father: - none -

Siblings: - none -

Grandfather: Tiburcio C. Pangilinan Jr.

Grandmother: Brigitte P. Pangilinan

Source of Income: Owner of "TiBri's" (World Class Restaurant)

Educational Background ***

Highschool: Batch Salutatorian

She is described by many as Friendly, Sweet, Thoughtful, Smart and Kind-hearted. She is sensitive though and cries easily. She wants things to be organized. She loves her family so much. Having no father doesn't bother her at all because her family did shower her with love and support. She is sometimes "makulit". its her way of showing "lambing"

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