Part 1: In My Tie of Dying

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"Stranglehold" by Ted Nugent


A flash of light. The sound of metal scraping against metal. Pain, searing pain, consuming her and then an evil laugh. Dakota tried to open her eyes, but they felt too heavy and she started to panic. Her heart pounding, she heard the sound of machines beeping fast, and a huge pair of hands held her shoulders down as she tried to sit up. She finally cracked her eyelids open, but everything was fuzzy.

"Woah, easy Baby, easy." A voice said.

"Daddy?" Dakota asked and she stopped struggling. She blinked a few times and her vision cleared up enough to show her father standing in front of her.

"Yeah Kota, it's me. You need to stay still, we're in the hospital. You just got out of surgery." He explained.

"Surgery?" She asked groggily, looking at John's arm in a sling.

"We got into a car crash. You already lost a lot of blood, but you broke three ribs and one of them punched your lung. Sweetheart, I'm so sorry for hurting you." John apologized with tears in his eyes.

"It wasn't your fault. Are you and the boys okay?" Dakota asked softly.

John was silent for a moment, "Sammy and I are fine, just a few bumps and bruises, but Dean...he's in a coma right now. Brain swelling. But everything is going to be okay." he assured her as the heart monitor attached to her started beeping faster with the news of her big brother. Sam walked into the room and smiled, "Hey glad to see you're up."

"Glad to see you're okay." She said, calming down a little once she saw that the worst injuries Sam had were cuts scattering his face.

"You look terrible." He joked.

"You shouldn't say that. We have the same face. We're twins." Dakota teased. She knew he hated when she said that.

"We're fraternal twin." Sam snapped back and Dakota laughed which quickly made her double over in pain.

"Okay. I think that's enough excitement for your sister for right now." John said standing up from where he had been sitting at the foot of the bed. "Sam, why don't you sit with your sister for a bit while I check your brother."

Sam sat down where John had been a minute ago and they waited until he walked out of the room to talk.

"So, have you seen Dean?" Dakota asked and Sam nodded slowly, "Is it bad?" She asked and again Sam nodded. Dakota looked down at her hand and started pulling the tap holding her IV in off.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked.

"Getting out of this bed and seeing Dean." She stated and the machines around her started beeping as she messed with them.

"What!? You just got a lung repaired! You have three broken ribs! Not to mention you lost too much blood!" Sam argued pushing her back down.

"I can't just stay here." Dakota yelled.

"You don't really have a choice." Sam snapped.

A man in a lab coat walked into the room, "Is everything okay in here?" He asked.

"No!" Dakota and Sam said at the same time.

"What seems to be the problem Ms. McGillicuddy?" He asked.

Dakota tried not to raise her eyebrows at the name, "I want to see my brother! How is he?" She pouted.

"He sustained serious injury, blood loss, contusions to his liver and kidney. There's early signs of cerebral edema. We won't know his full condition until he wakes up. If he wakes up. I have to be honest, people with his degree of injury wouldn't have survived this long. He's fighting very hard" The doctor explained and Dakota felt her eyes water and she looked down, "As for you, you broke several ribs and one punctured a lung. We had to perform surgery, but it's fixed now. You lost a serious amount of blood from large gashes across your chest and abdomen. The one of your abdomen should heal fine, but the ones are your chest will scar, I'm sorry." He said and Dakota shrugged. She was a hunter, scars were part of the job.

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