This is Real

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LullLin/Jisuk POV

This isn't real? I'm in handcuffs, in a police station, at midnight, on a Tuesday night. Why? They didn't even let me put my regular clothes on. I'm still in my pink sheep pajamas. I mean at least I got a jacket, but I'm still cold.

But most of all who are the other kids beside me. One is still in their work uniform, one has a hello kitty shirt on, another has pajamas on like me, and the last one is just in normal clothes. Lucky. I thought.

"Jungkook!" A detective yelled walking in. Behind him was another officer with three more kids. One was in his pajamas, the other kid regular clothes, and the last was still in his school uniform.

"Yes sir." The boy sitting beside me in regular clothes said standing up.

"You go by Kookie?" He asked. I looked up at the kid confused. Kookie?

"Jin. You go by JMario?" He asked the guy on the very end with the hello kitty shirt on.

"Jimin. You go by JamsJ?" He asked one of the new guys, he was the last one still in his red and blue pajamas.

"Namjoon. You go by RMonster?" He asked the guy still in his work uniform.

"Taehyung. You go by Taebae?" He asked the other guy beside me wearing cute little lion pajamas. He gave a smile before answering yes. No way.

"Hoseok. You go by HorseHope?" He asked the guy still in his school uniform. He tried to reply but the detective kept going.

"Yoongi. You go by SwagSuga?" The detective asked raising a eyebrow at the other guy who was wearing regular clothes.

"And last is the only girl. Jisuk. You go by LullLin?" He asked me. I was puzzled and afraid to answer.

"Well. It looks like you guys were huge friends online. Now here's your chance to meet each other, because guess what. No one is going anywhere for awhile." The detective smiled walking away. I looked down at the ground not wanting to look up at these guys.

"Are you really, you guys?" I could hear HorseHope, I mean Hoseok asked.

"I guess. I never thought we might meet up like this." JMario, I mean Jin said laughing.

"Do you know why we are here?" I looked up to hear JamsJ well Jimin asked. For some reason he looked like how I picture him. Small. It made me smile a bit.

"Because someone murdered a girl and then listen off our names." Kookie, Jungkook said.

"What!" I didn't realize at first that voice came from me.

"Yeah. So far all I know is we will be asked a lot of questions." Jungkook finished.

"I've got school tomorrow." Hoseok whined.

"I've got work in the morning." RMonster, Namjoon added.

"LION!" Taebae, or Taehyung shouted next to me.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Who's going to feed my kitty?" Taehyung looked over at me with tears in his eyes. I don't know why but I grabbed his hand telling him he would be fine.

"Who wants to go first?" The detective asked walking back towards us.

"How about the only girl. You're up first Jisuk!" The detective started grabbing my arm when two people shouted out.

"I'll go."

"I'll go."

It was both Jimin and Yoongi. The detective let go of my arm walking to them both. I didn't know if I should have sat back down or not, but I watched as the detective walked towards Jimin and Yoongi. Jimin was staring at the detective with wide scared eyes. Yoongi on the other hand was just staring down at the ground like I was first doing.

"Who said it first?" He asked. Jimin pointed to Yoongi who stood up. I looked up at him to see jet black hair covering his eyes. Wow...he's kinda scary looking.

"Then let's go." Yoongi said.

A short update on how this is going.

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