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Sup I am auther-chan the pick is what you look like and this is probably my third stories so ya please comment and like.

Urza pov
I was walking down the side walk , in a black hood and black skinny jeans. My red eyes looking down , my long white\blond hair moving with the wind , my black boot high heels clicking on the side walk , you see I am trying to find Sam witwicky. He has something I need..... His great grandfather's scrolls. I finally arrived at the house and knocked three times. Then the young man I longed to see answers the door, yes ? Hello Sam witwicky , I am urza you have something I need , I said with my head still down . What do you nee- wait how do you know my name ?! He asked. Oh Sam I know alot of things ,But get back to what I need. I said sternly. What are you? He asked. Me well I am a shape shifter \ vampire. Now where are the scrolls? I say gripping his rist. W-what s-scrolls ?! He stuttered. Your great grandfather's scrolls with all the things he has written,I say. I dount have them ! He tells. Then where are they?! I yell. Ang grip his shirt. They are with .....With.....With. he stutters . Spit it out!! I yelled getting impatient. There with optimist!! He yells . Hmm who is this optimist. I ask more calm. I -i can't t-tell y-you. He strutters ...Again. tell now or you won't live long enough to see them again!! I tell picking up my head, red eyes glowing. He screams and gets off my grip and shuts the door. Damnit I need to get those scrolls.

OMG this is so short 295 words .

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