The story of polo

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Hi, my names polo. I stand 14'2" hands high. My breed is a new forest. But the thing is I shouldn't be alive. So I am going to tell u my story, on how one girl saved me, brought me back to health and taught me everything I know today. She is the only person I trust with my whole life.

The Market

It all started at the market where I was shoved into a pen. I realised I was going to be sold to some random owner. Horse after horse it was my turn in the ring. The auctioneer was shouted numbers. I spooked. There was a loud bang and he yelled " SOLD TO THE LADIE AND THE GIRL AT THE BACK!!" I was rounded out of the ring and shoved into a trailer. Next thing I knew I was being pulled down the road. After an hour had gone we had stopped moving. A 10 year old girl came in the trailer. I ran to the back of trailer. she spoke to me gently and gave me a carrot. kindly she said " I promise, soon you will be tucked up in a cosy stable." her mum called her to get back in the car. That's how I found out her name was Lauren. In an hours time I was led out of the trailer, brushed till I sparkled, had a lovely warm rug on and was tucking into a warm bowl of bran mash in a cosy stable. I didn't know that I would be trained.


I started off by refreshing my memory by having the saddle and bridle put on me. the second phase was being ridden lightly. After 6 months I was starting to jump. I knew most things about dressage but hadn't competed. As time went by I could easily clear 2'6" courses and had won loads of ribbons and trophies but I knew it wasn't about winning, it was about taking part. but little did I know it things about to turn bad and painful...

The Accident

We was riding on the road when a mini cab came hurtling towards us. I reared, Lauren fell off and I spooked into the road... into the car.

I was knocked out for a bit but when I came round I couldn't move because of the pain. Vets were running around and it all went black! I woke up and I wasn't in pain. Lauren was standing by my head. She said I would have to be retrained all over again and that the vet said I shouldn't be alive. she trained my from scratch a soon as I was well and now because she was patient and gentle, I am fit and flying round jumping courses and winning what ever I do. I always do well in dressage and love cross country! So that's my story so far!

Please comment if you like and want part 2!! <3

x charlotte x

The story of polo part 1Where stories live. Discover now