chapter one

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I hate school! The people there are so mean. I get called names all the time.The only people i like there are my friends i've had since forever. There names are Kat like cat but with a "k", my other friend is Zelda. Infact here they are now. "Hey Ezra!" Kat says. "Hey girly" Zelda said. I smile and wave. "Hey guys whats going on?" i ask and zelda squealed and started jumping up and down i watched her. "Ummmm......what?" i said very confused "there's a new guy and he's super cute!"she said while kat looked vary disappointed "i honestly don't know what you guys see in boys there so weird. I'M AN INDEPENDENT WOMAN!!!" kat said a little too loud. The bell rang and we all went to class to start the day i dreaded the most.*A LITTLE WHILE LATER* I walked into my 3rd class (computers) and sat in my seat. I plugged in my headphones and typed in my password. When the computer finally got done loading (which took 10000000 years) i went on google and typed in youtube and played my playlist that i have. I open a new tab and start the assignment in the board. i hear a deep voice ask "Is this seat taken?" i look up and see a tall boy with blue hair in a quiff. I shake my head no and he takes a seat.

Once i get started on my first assignment i feel something slip under my arm i look down and see a piece of paper that has been folded multiple times. I pick it up and read the messy handwriting on the paper.

HIM:hi there, what's your name.

I roll my eyes and pick up my pin and write back.


HIM:wow you have some pretty name is alex.

ME:Thank you Alex. you always listen to music in here.

Me:No....not all the time sometimes i watch jacksepticeye.


I hold back a laugh.The bell rings and i stop my music and log off the computer.I start to walk to lunch when i feel someone grab my arm.I turn around and see alex. "Hey umm..."he hands me a piece of folded paper"text me sometime..." I nod and walk 

umm..."he hands me a piece of folded paper"text me sometime..." I nod and walk away.I walk into the cafeteria.I wonder why he gave me his number. No guys have been interested in me before unless he wants something from me.I take out my ribbon ad string it through my fingers. "You and that ribon hehe."I turn around and see Zelda""she cuts me off "keeps you calm and helps you think"I smile and nod.She points at the the peace of paper in my hand. "Oh this....this is nothing".i said and stuck the piece of paper in my piece with my book and sketch book and some other useless things.She nods and we sit down at our table. "How has your day so far" i shrugged "it was good" i said.Kat sat down and said "so you wanna skip 4th?" she asked. "YES PLEAS" zelda said "sure.." i said i hate gym anyways"I say smiling "wanna head to my house? My parents are gone for a couple of weeks so it's just me and my brother."Kat says.Zelda and i nod and we grab our stuff and wait for the bell to ring.When it does we head toward the back door of the school and start to walk to Kats house.When we get there we throw our stuff on the floor. "So what now?" i say "Oooo let's talk about that note you got Ezra!"Zelda says "You got a note?!From who?!"Kat says excitedly.As you can tell we dont get much boy action. "I got a guys number no big deal..."i say shrugging kat takes a pizza out of the refrigerator "not a big deal do you hear what you're saying sweetie you got a boys number that is a big deal!" Kat says "so who is this guy" zelda says "his name is Alex" i say.Things get quiet and they just stare at me i pick up a piece of pizza and take a bite they're still staring at me "What?" i say "TEXT HIM!!!" they yell at me. I jump and walk to my backpack taking out my phone and the folded piece of paper.The girls go to Kats room i follow them and sit on the floor and unfold the piece of paper.I type in the number. "What should i say?" i ask "umm you say what any other normal person would say to start a conversation" Kat said. I looked at her. "Hi its Ezra"Kat says i type what Kat told me type and turn on some music we goof around.A couple hours pass and me and zelda decide to stay the night at Kats house Kats older brother is watching us (a.k.a babysitting us). My phone beep and i look at the girls.They look at each other.I stand up to get my phone off Kats dresser but the both run in front of me to get to the phone first. "IT'S HIM EEEEEE!!!" they squeal. "Ok thats cool but can you hand me my phone so i can answer him?" i ask holding out my hand.Kat places the phone in my hand.I look at the screen and read the text.

Alex:hey :-) what going on?

Me:nothin much just staying at friends house...There fangirling over a band.

Alex:that sounds was your day?

Me:it was good i guess i don't really like was your day?

Him:nerve wrecking

Me:i know how you feel XD

Alex:so what do you do on your free time?

Me:i like to draw and write stories watch anime

I look up at the girls and Zelda Is drawing on herself and Kat is playing piano Kat looks at me and smiles. "So how's the convo going is it at least going"she asks "good...., we're not talking about much." i go to youtube and put on my playlist."So what's this guy look like....get him to send you a pic."Zelda said.I give her a thumbs up and ask him to send me a pic.

"Wanna watch anime?" kat asks "YASSSSSS!!!" i say and run to the living room grabbing Kats lap top. "Can we make a fort?" i ask "Of course we are we always do" Kat says as Zelda walks in with blankets and sheets. "What anime are we going to watch?" i ask "CAN WE WATCH TOKYO GHOUL!!??" i say getting excited.the girls look at each other and nod.Kats brother walks in and leans on the door frame "What are you girls doing?" he asks.He's wearing a nirvana shirt and some sweat pants with batman going down them.He's got kinda long brown hair. "We're building a fort" Kat says "Well you might need a good base want me to get you some chairs?" he asks "please?"Kat says with puppy eyes and a pouty lip "will do lil sis" he says giving a sallute. I help Kat and Zelda with getting the bed.


We took a step back and took in our masterpiece. "It's beautiful" i say we go in and set up Kats laptop and get comfy on the air mattress and dozen of pillows just before i climb in my phone beeps. "Oooooo she got a text from her boyfriend" Zelda jokes around. I throw a plow at her and it hits her in the face.She gives me an evil look and Kat bust out laughing and i check my phone is Alex.

Alex:Sure thing ;-)

He sent a picture of him with his what i call "rock and roll face" and his hair in and emo skater boy kinda thing the lighting makes his hair dye look neon.I can't help but think how good looking he looks.

No,bad Ezra.You need to focus on your studies.I get another text from him.

Alex:why do you want a picture of me

Me:My friend wanted to know what you looked like.

I pull the picture up on my phone and show Zelda. "OH MY GOD THAT'S THE NEW GUY, YOU GOT THE NEW GUYS NUMBER?!?!?!?"I look at her with a blank face.I stand up and get a sun drop from the fridge. Zelda runs up to me and looks at me surprised. "What?" i ask confused "you got the new guys number can i be more obvious?!" she looks at me vary concerned.I shrug and take a sip of my drink. "Look i don't even know this  

guy he could be a complete jerk for all i know." i say walking back to the room i check my phone.

Alex:so...can i get a pic from you

Me:but you already know what i look like.

Alex: yeah but i wanna see your beautiful face again.

I blush and take a pic out of my gallery and send it to him.


I set my phone down and go inside the fort the girls are in there and have the first episode of Tokyo Ghoul loaded up.I can't help but think about how Alex's hair looked so silky smooth.i knew it was bad but i wanted to run my hands through his hair. Again he probably doesn't like me.


kat: hey guys hope you like this chapter :3 im not the author (just  a close friend) but i corrected it to the best of my ability it took me 2 hrs 😅😅anyways I hope you like

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