My Truth

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I am Death.
I hate my job.
I am not a demon, but many demons wish to be me.
I am a soul collector. I take people's lives away from them.
I rather give them away sometimes, but I cannot.
I have these strict set of rules, and do not know what would happen if I disobeyed them.
I broke these rules once. Please do not tell.
If you do, I would probably cease to exist.
I let a woman continue to live. This breaks rule #1. Which is: Do not fail to collect souls.
I made contact with a human. This breaks rule #3. Do not speak to humans.
I also, fell in love. This breaks rule #4. Do not fall in love.
I tell you this story, for I hope it might show you something about me, Death.
I don't wear that long, black, hooded robe.
I don't carry fog with me where ever I go.
I am not that scary looking in general.
I look like most other people do actually. Well, I can at least.
I became bored of taking souls from people.
I grew tired of people thinking of me as something to fear.
I am tired of people putting me as something to challenge even.
I fell in love with- No! Not a human. That's to cliché.
I fell in love with the princess of love.
I fell in love with love itself basically.
I fell in love with Cupid's daughter.
I fell in love not with her ravishing beauty.
I fell in love not with her poise and her grace.
I fell in love not with her kindness to every living creature.
I, but, fell in love with everything about her.
I love her ravishing beauty, and,
I love her poise and her grace, and,
I love kindness to every living creature.
I broke rule #1 and rule #3 because of her.
I broke them because she was teaching me, that love is letting one go. So now,
I let humans keep their souls.
I even communicate with humans to understand what they stand for.
I understand what it is like to feel,
I understand what it is like to love, to hate, to care, and to dislike.
I had loved her with everything I had became.
I approached her father on marrying her.
I asked for his blessing,
I asked for his permission.
I received not what I asked of.
I received hate from one who is supposed to love.
I received grief, from one who is to fix just that.
I was to never see my love ever again.
I was never to hear her soft voice sing to sweet anymore.
I was never to see her walk delicately anymore.
I was never to feel her small, beautiful hands in mine anymore.
I was never to experience her sweet kiss on my cheek anymore.
I was never to hug that fragile flower anymore.
I had lost all feeling.
I had lost all compassion to mankind.
I had lost the bond of friendship with humans.
I went back to collecting your souls.
I continue to tear you from your loved ones, just as one had done to me.

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