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Someone from Saviours is coming back ... can anyone guess who it is based on this chapter?

I had an absolute killer headache when I woke up this morning – the reason why this chapter wasn't up then. But here we are, finally got the editing done.

Captain America: Civil War | Shattering Relations | Cleveland

The sound of a spoon clattered against the side of a breakfast bowl as the man holding the utensil chewed through his previous bite. He was sitting at his dining room table, alone. The place was a mess around him in the form of piles and piles of paper, random things littered about, and broken ornaments. You could tell that he had been living alone for quite some time now, keeping to himself as much as he could.

This man was a former Coronel for the organization HYDRA – Coronel Vasily Karpov.

The man was in his late thirties, early forties with straw-like brown hair. He had rounded pencil gray eyes with a pointed nose and thin lips. He wore clothing that a man with nothing better to do would wear; an old jumped covering a two-day old plaid shirt. His jeans also looked worse for wear but it was noticeable that he probably didn't do much shopping. The only time he went out was probably to grab food and that's it.

It was when he took another bite from his breakfast that a sudden noise caught his attention – the sound of a skidding car, closely followed by a loud crunch just outside his door. His mouth paused, part of the cereal still uneaten in his mouth. His ears turned sharp when he slowly looked around to the front. His head was specifically looking to the windows that were covered with closed blinds.

He dropped the spoon into the bowl as he slowly got up from his seat, forgetting about the breakfast as he swallowed the last of it in his mouth. He cautiously went over to the blinds in his living him and leaned closer. He peeked through a miniature gap to see what was going on outside. The only thing he focused on was the sleek black sedan attached to the backside of his old convertible. It looked as though the driver of the sedan hadn't been looking where he or she was driving.

Standing by the sedan was a young-looking woman, probably ranging towards her late twenties with long and dark curly hair. The Coronel could only see the woman's backside but could still assess whether he should engage or not. She looked slightly nervous and panicked, putting a hand to her mouth as she noticed what damage she had caused to the stranger's car.

She looked genuine, but even the Coronel knew that looks could be deceiving.

The Coronel sharply stepped away from the blinds when the woman turned towards his house. He thought she had been looking straight at him. He took another step back from the window, hoping the woman would just do what many others would do and run away from their mistakes. He's made a lot of enemies in the past and there were a lot of people out for his blood – how was he to know whether he would face a genuine apologetic woman or a bullet? After everything, he didn't know whether he could take that chance or not.

"Hello?" Her voice pierced through the thin walls of his bungalow. It was an old place for the area and pretty run down, but it did the job of keeping the strangers away. Through the tiny gap still in his blinds, he watched as the woman began walking up to his door. The black high heels under her feet clicked away as she approached. She was small compared to him at around 5'8" while he was 6'3".

The shadow of her figure passed by the window, "Hello? Is this your car out front?" She voiced louder this time, knowing someone was inside because she noticed someone peeping through the blinds.

The Coronel began slowly making his way to the door but didn't intend to open it. He stayed silent as his eyes shifted towards the handgun resting on top of the table by his door. He kept glancing between the weapon and his door, trying to decide whether opening it would be a good idea.

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