Novel Writer's Toolkit: Revised Edition

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The Novel Writer’s Toolkit

From Idea to Bestseller

Bob Mayer

Revised Edition

The original version of this book was published as The Novel Writer’s Toolkit: A Guide to Writing Great Fiction and Getting it Published through Writer’s Digest in 2003. At the time, it was the accumulation of 13 years of experience as a professional author. I am now entering my 22nd year in this business and have over 50 books that have been published traditionally as well as through my own publishing company: Who Dares Wins Publishing. The fundamental way I approach my writing has not changed that much over the years. I continue to plot, outline, research and follow techniques that have helped me hit the NY Times Best-Seller list and be one of the top-selling indie authors. However, one of the tenets of another book I wrote, Write It Forward: From Writer to Successful Author, is to be open-minded to new ideas. A writer must be willing to learn, grow and hone their craft in order to continue writing successfully.

Much of what has been added to this edition are elements that have changed my writing process. The new things I have learned through teaching, working with other writers and listening to those who have done what I want to do—write a better book.

This book focuses on the craft of writing. Content is king. Content is the foundation for everything you do as writer. This book will help give you the tools to hone your craft, write the better book, and ultimately achieve your goals.

I highly recommend you compliment this book with its sister book, Write It Forward, which is a training program to becoming a successful author. Where The Novel Writer’s Toolkit covers developing our skills as an artist, Write if Forward develops our business savvy, and how to get published, and even self-publish, so we can be successful in the ever-changing world of publishing.

But first, you must write the better book. So let us begin.

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