N.E.C. 6

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Something woke me up again. But it was no sound. It was more like something had touched me. I kept my eyes closed, waiting for sleep to take me away.

Just as I was drifting off, something once again shifted and woke me up. This time I felt it right next to me. I did not turned around to check. Maybe it was just my imagination and my body is actually just twitching.

I snuggled more in the sheets. I kept my eyes closed wanting so desperately to fall asleep again. But I could not. Something was not allowing me.

Suddenly, the weird feeling flooded through my whole body. It was that feeling again. I could not breath under the bed sheets. I felt like I was about to suffocate under those pink sheets.

My instant but sleepy reaction was to take them off my face. I moved my face upwards to catch some air; eyes glued shut. I shifted again looking for comfort. But never achieved on getting some.

Something was extremely odd making me feel on edge. Even if I was asleep, my brain was fully awake. I could no longer sleep. It was like I was forcing my mind to shut down for a nap.

I opened my eyes slowly and the room was completely dark. After I got used to it, a beam of light faintly shone on the floor, cutting the room in half. I looked at the window and it was pitch dark. There was no clock or anything so I just assume it is midnight somewhere there.

I sighed and closed my eyes again. I pulled the bed sheets but it would not let me. I kept pulling tiredly but it did nothing. I turned my head to the side and noticed that the door was ajar.

That was strange. I remember when I finished eating the door was closed shut. I pulled again the covers; yet again no avail. I sighed and turned around to check what it made it so hard to pull the covers.

I screamed as I jumped in surprise, making me sit up and hug the header of the bed

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I screamed as I jumped in surprise, making me sit up and hug the header of the bed. He was sitting next to me on the bed; his eyes glued to me. I could not help but think he was just sitting there quietly; looking at me like a total freak. Indeed, he is a freak.

After I caught my breath, I let my arms fall and laid against the header. I looked at him in the eye and the burning sensation along with a dark red eyesight played again. It did not bother me anymore now that I was used and sick of it. I got my hand under the pillow and took the Monolith out.

I shone it in our spot and looked at him again. This time the pain was gone and my vision returned to normal. I noticed he was trying not to look into it and made eye contact with me. For the first time in a while, we made eye contact with no problem.

We were stuck like this for what it seemed like minutes. His look softened from a blank, soulless expression to one filled with complete shock. His eyes moved from mine to the light; back and forth; trying his hardest to look away from the light. I felt the need to put it away but it seemed that it was the only way to look at him without having to look away and speak to a wall.

"I have never looked at a human's eye before. They always seem to look away. Like if I was a deathly creature."

I suddenly felt pity for him. I wanted to tell him why but I was afraid I might scare him away since he is practically taking care of me; even if it was creepy. I do not like when people leave me hanging with questions and he does not even know; I am sure nobody even wants to explain why. The only option I had was to be as honest as I could.

"Dark Pit... It's just that..."

I could not make a way to explain it without making him feel hurt. He is no human, but a creation; an ethereal entity. The creators must of have made him without the knowledge of what he can do. But definitely it was created to experience the feels.

"It's just... whenever I look at your eyes, I feel pain. It's hard to explain. A burning feeling... and it's very uncomfortable for me; as a human."

His eyes locked on mine after what I said. He lowered his head and his hand clenched tightly. I felt guilty at that instant; I should of have kept my mouth shut. I put the Monolith on the bed; my hand got tired from all the weight it contains.

"I am very sorry. I have been hurting you since the beginning, am I correct?"

He looked up at me; eyes glowing now in a white  color. I did not wanted to answer now. I really did not want to. His look on me obligated me to do it.

"A little but... Now that I have the Monolith, it seems that you won't hurt me anymore."

That is when his face lit up. He looked at the Monolith for a second, then he looked away back to me. The blank expression then came back on his face, his eyes narrowed in concern. He stood up and looked at me again; like he was craving for more eye contact.

"Again, I apologize if I hurt you before. All I am doing is following my directives; and it is to be here keeping you safe and healthy. I do hope you understand that, 209."

Then he crouched besides the bed. I raised an eyebrow and leaned to the side to see what he was doing. Even with the Monolith, I could not tell what he was doing. Then he stood up again, with something on his hands.

"I heard you mumbling in your sleep as I was passing by. When I got in, you were shaking. I got an extra blanket and brought it here. But I might have woken you up, my bad."

That is when my stereotypes for him where thrown out the window. Actually he is not that bad. He may be programed to be like this but I am sure he was different. I am sure all the psychos only want me alive to be testing on me; as well as other innocents out there.

He unfold the blanket and threw on me, falling completely open. He then checked the corners of the sheet that covered the mattress itself. He walked around to the table and took the tray I left there earlier. He looked down at me and formed a smile along with a warm look.

"It is 1:22 in the morning, 209. Try to get some sleep. I would like to do something in the morning with you before everything else is lit up. Good night."

And with that he turned around and walked off; this time closing the door shut. I noticed that his footsteps were dead silent. Maybe that is how he snuck up on me on day one. I shook my head in amusement, hid the Monolith under the pillow and got comfortable.

Now that I think about it, he really cares.

No Eye Contact (Kid Icarus / Pitcest / Brighter Day)Where stories live. Discover now