We are all that 'someone'. Our someone is within all of us. Some need to be broken. Some need to feel euphoria. But when it comes to the matter, we all feel it; some feel it worse than other. Some are better at pretending than other. We are all the same. You try to convince yourself otherwise. You align yourself with people who make you feel unique. But we're not. No one really is. And yet, we are all here, we all behave differently. We just...exist.
We comes to us when we fall in love. Perhaps when we think we're in love. We feel it when we are broken. But no matter what is was; whatever tragic, magnificent moment occurred, you changed. I changed. And every other person out there did too. Before that, you see, we were all equal. We all felt that need to see, live, experience the world. And now, we simply, play along. Like pawns in a game. Standing still, waiting for that day, that click.
And then it's on. It is all so eluding; so mesmerizing, that we forget about it completely. We divert all our attention to this moment, with the expectation of some major, fantastic outcome, that we rush through our existence. And it doesn't matter how many times it has happened, we just vainly do it over and over. And it's tiring, but we love it.
And so we keep on, and we will forever keep on, because we are made for this. We rely on this; this feeling; this moment; this brief sensation of trust. And then it's gone. And so now we have lost it all. We have conquered, and we have lost it. All of it. And suddenly, the world we once desired to venture in has became dull. You no longer want to experience, to live; you just don't want. And there is nothing in specific that you do not want anymore. You just don't. We can't pin point it; we can't easily say what it is that we want, and what it is that we don't.
And realization will sink in. And we will feel it. We will acknowledge it, and eventually accept it. We no longer play the game; we sit, and we watch others play, and we know they'll have it the same way we did. We are all the same. We long for that feeling, we long for our expectations to be reached and our dreams to be accomplished.
We are not living life, we are sitting on the side line, watching it all go by. How effortless it all seems.
So change.
And persist.
It all changes, so watch it change. Don't crumble and fall. Rise against the ways of the world. I did.
And you'll notice that not everything is as dull as before. Flowers are marvelous. Cigarette smoke it beautiful. The clouds are peaceful. And yet: We step on flowers; we pick flowers; we kill flowers. Smoke fades away, it just...vanishes. And clouds are flying at extremely high velocities, and clouds are constantly dying, and rain is a thing.
And it's all so magnificent. Dangerously magnificent. Strangely glorious.
How odd that we would find beauty and satisfaction on something we can't make, nor touch. Something so harmful and yet, soothing to watch.
Get out there.
It doesn't matter where, with whom or why. It doesn't matter when. Contradict yourself. Go outside when everything seems tedious, dismal. And observe how it all comes together. Everything matters. It is all so complex now. It is...nothing. It just is. And you can't put it into words. And won't you even try.
Appreciate it. Let go of what's holding you, pick yourself up, and experience life as a whole new, fresh, different thing. Change your perspective, and everything else will change for you.