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I was tagged by SNAPE_5EVER so.... here I go.

1. Why are you doing this challenge? I was tagged, so that's why. Duh.

2. A positive word to describe you? Creative, I guess. Well, that's according to my followers anyway.

3. A note to past you. Despite how hard life gets, never give up. If you have trouble living, always turn to writing.

4. A note to future you. Get out of the house at least once a day.

5. An object that is yours that you love. My laptop, definitely.

6. A quote about beauty. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but that doesn't mean you have to be an ass to what you don't think is beautiful. Because others find it beautiful.

7. A fear you've overcome. Darkness, for the most part. Having an overactive imagination sucks sometimes...

8. Something you like about yourself. I'm kind... for the most part.

9. Something that makes you beautiful. According to my mom, whose the closest person to me, is my smile.

10. Something you love to wear. I like wearing my rings. I wear four of them, and one of them belonged to my grandmother. I know this is probably talking about clothing, but whatever.

11. What makes you unique? My attitude. I have the attitude of someone far older than my nineteen years.

12. What makes you happy? Fanfic about my OTPs.

13. What makes you laugh? My family and friends.

14. What makes you feel beautiful? Writing.

15. Tag fifteen people. Because I'm such a "wonderful" person, I'm tagging my best friend,, my followers, and one lucky random person. Thanks for reading! :) CassieOrtiz3, deansboo, piggy_lover23, The_Lord_of_Rage, Moltengold, nightfright2, Wolf501514, supernaturalfan500, AngelOfTheLord_101, blahblahyadayadayada, Andy00Q, grayisnotsocial, uchunoki, Kris847, and jule009.

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