Chapter 1: New York

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"Are you ready to head out, love?" He thru my last bag in the moving van and shut the door closed, pulling a few bucks out of his wallet to pay the movers.
      I placed my backpack and guitar in the back of the jeep, giving out a big yup and closing the back. I turn and get a glimpse of her one last time, hugging her frame and clenching her jaw tight as she stares into my soul. I don't blame her, her best friend leaving with the man of her dreams, what a asshole I am.
      "Hey, longer we wait, the worse traffic is gonna be" I looked to see him leaning on the Jeep, twirling the key Bob around his fingers.
      "Yeah yeah, I'm coming" I head to the front and get in, getting one last view of her before hearing his side of the door open.
     "She's gonna be fine, hate us for the rest of her life, but fine" he shifted in his seat and started up the Jeep.
      This wear I say goodbye today, last time I'll ever see this awful town, hopefully. All the pain and misery it gave me, but what I also gave it. I stare over at him as he starts driving, this wear it begins, me leaving town with a man I shouldn't even love. I turn up the radio to break the thoughts in my head, in hopes it relax my nervs.
      "Well someone a little tense, maybe next stop I can help losen you up" a strong grip meets my thigh, giving it a gentle rub.
      "I rather get this twelve hour trip over with Sir" his grip gets a little tighter.
      "Sir? Jeez don't turn me on now" a low chuckle echoed thru the car.
      Silent, something was going on with me, I just couldn't figure out what. I felt his warmth leave mine and back to the wheel. Twelve hours of just us two, this should be a fun ride.

"Finally, my ass is killing me, get stress my legs" a long heavy sigh and groan.
      "It's already been twelve hours?" I look up from my phone toward him then out the window to see the bright city lights.
      Whoa. How bright, How crowded, I was baffled at the new view, not being used to so many people. The view of the tall buildings and the billboard's, not just that but the smells, good and bad. I smelt hot dogs but garbage at the same time.
      "Judging my state now?" I assume my face gave off a discus look.
      "No just the smell is burning my nose hairs" I take another swift and scrunch my nose a bit.
      "So yes" he grips my thigh like in the beginning of the trip. " we should be there soon, just a few more streets" I nod.
      A big dark building caught my view as we slowed down, a little run down, a few boarded windows, all sitting on top of a small convenient store. Reading big yellows words "Luckily Here" odd name I thought but it's New York, who knows what up with the place. We park close by and get out, stretching our legs and back, groaning and moaning out.
      "Never doing that again, to long in this damn car" Levi smacks the side of the Jeep and whispering a cuss word at it.
      "So this is the place? A little run down don't you think? " I walk and unlock the moving van, staring the building up and down, giving a disgust look.
      "Don't judge a book by its cover my love" he flicks my head as he walks by, leaning over to pick up a box and heading up.
      I follow close behind, heading to the side of the old building into a hidden stair way, up some creaking stairs and into a small, musty lobby. Levi plops down his boxes and rings the tiny bell on the desk, echoing thru the room. We wait a little longer till he presses it again.
      "Press that one more time and I'll cut off the finger doing it" a very small and grumpy old lady comes around the corner from beaded curtains.
      "Sorry miss, we're new residents here for our key" she lifts her glasses and give us a hard glare and glimpse.
      "Black right? And butter mint? Odd name kid, but yes, two zero four, level two. That should be it" she reaches over and hands Levi the key, he give off a nod and gather the boxes.
      We travel along thru the small hallway and to the elevator, only to see it out of order, we both give off a annoyed sigh and start heading up the long flight of stairs. Smelling cigarette smoke and alcohol, giving me memories of the old back way behind the school, worse place to ever go. Always filled with glass bottles and cigarette butts, once a beautiful view of the river tuned into a wanna be party place. Eventually, we make it up the two flights of stairs, opening our door, surprisingly it was much bigger than it looked. Giving a sigh of relief I set my few boxes down and head to the window, looking down on the view.
      "Beautiful aint it? " he flings his arm over my shoulder and stands there with me.
      "You call this beautiful? More like a okay place" shrugging him off I start head down stairs, feeling a pull on my waist, I'm forced to turn and look at his chest, placing a finger under my chin, now staring up.
      "Someone been having a attitude for a while, now why is that handsome" a small southern draw slipped out on handsome, giving me the Shivers that I love.
      "Can you blame me? Been stuck in the car for twelve hours with your dumb ass" playing it cool, I just give a stare of daggers into his soul.
      "Name calling? What are we in middle school? " he raises his brow now giving a serious look.
      I shrug and walk off, calling out to hurry before are stuff gets taken. I hear him follow a few steps behind me, but instead of walking ahead, I feel his hand grip around my throat, tough enough to make me stay but gently enough to not hurt me.
      "Did I say I was done? " his words sung into my ear like a lullaby, so smooth and sweet.
      "Don't do that, I hate that" I give a weak struggle that only tight the grip, the heat of his body pressed to mine, a soft touch moving up and down my chest.
      "What? Weak to a little southern draw? " his chuckles sends shivers down my spine, making me a little dazed by his spell.
      A kiss gets planted on my neck as I feel the warmth leave, I look up to see him off. Annoyed being left hanging, I trail behind him, cussing him out like a sailor, only hear him laugh.

After two hours we finally have the truck unloaded and the men paid. We rested on the dark blue sofa with a few things of Chinese take out and a movie playing from his phone since we lack internet.
      "So, I think I'm gonna get in contact with some old friends for a job" as he picks around the veggies.
      "Well, since I still don't have my license I think I'm gonna try to shop under us" he nods his head to show he's listing.
      "What the job you're thinking about anyway? " modeling, just modeling he says. I also nod my head to listen.
      A while past and we head to bed, finally being able to lay on the purple velvet sheets. I give a big stretching groan as I flop on the bed, snuggling up to one of the pillows. The bathroom door opens and a dim lighted figure stands in the bathroom doorway, only in a tight pair of underwear.
      "Well aren't you looking sexy, ah even with a tooth brush in your mouth" I smirk into the pillow, trailing off my teasing voice into a tired one.
      " like you have room to talk " he walks off and come back, leaning over the bed and brushing his finger tips on my exposed back.
      "No, I'm to tired" I inch my body close though, dying of tiredness but being awoken by his touch.
      "Oh come on, twelve hours I wasn't able to touch you" he hovers over my body now, turning over, I see the dim lamp cast a light on his body, exposing every muscle he has.
      I land a passionate and hard kiss on his lips, finally giving in. His hand grip the back of my head, giving a small tight squeeze, placing my hips on his waist, I pull him in closer. My hands begin to explore his exposed body, arousing me even more, his grip to my head creeps up to my neck, as he pulls away, tighting his grip a little.
      "Little rough, don't you think? " I rub his hand under mine, feeling his veins and every curve.
      "Oh don't act like you hate it" he takes a dominant look at me, loosing himself to his thoughts, making me frustrated at what running thru his head.
      "It feels nice but don't you think it's to soon? " I give off a awkward laugh which only tightens the grip more.
      "Come on, just be good for once" that what broke me, my blood rose to my face, burning it high and bright red.
      "Yes sir" he chuckles and that when it begins, our first night in our new place. A long passionate, hardcore session. Nothing I would change about it.

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