Takane: "I just want to keep my secrets!"

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Shijou Takane knew something was fishy about the boy in an alleyway that had awarded her friend Chihaya a strange necklace. She knew there was something odd about the amount of times Chihaya had sung in the past few weeks. She knew there was something strange about the way Chihaya had stayed home from the agency yesterday even though she knew her schedule was booked full.

And so, at around midnight, the Silver Queen set out to find the dark alleyway where Chihaya had received her necklace and meet the boy who'd given it to her.

"I know you are out there," Takane bellowed. She stared into the darkness of a random alley.

The random alley didn't respond.

"Do not play dumb with me! Show yourself!" Takane demanded.

The random alley was silent.

"You are a fool!" Takane declared. "You think you can fool me! Show me the necklace!"

A couple of random people looked at her like she was weird. And perhaps she was, for the alley still did not respond. The next alley over, however, did. And the way this alley responded was by laughing.

Takane whirled towards the alley and stomped over to it just as a young boy stepped out from its shadows. Takane narrowed her eyes at him.

"I'm sorry," the boy said. "I couldn't help it. You just looked so funny."

"You have the necklace," Takane stated, angling her eyes at the pretty charm around the boy's neck. "My friend Kisaragi Chihaya received one from you."

"Ah, yes, Chihaya-sama." The boy's eyes grew sad. "How is she?"

"She has not been back to the agency since Monday," Takane answered. "She knows she has work to do, but she did not come. You know why. I know that you do."

"You're not going to introduce yourself?" the boy piped. "Don't you think that's a bit rude? I expected better from you, Takane-sama."

"How do you know my name?" Takane demanded, her eyes narrowed and a frown on her face.


"A likely story. Tell me who you are."

"I am Nakahara Ryuji," the boy answered. He flicked his hood off of his face and flashed a bright smile at Takane. He followed up his introduction with a gallant bow. "Would you like a necklace? Do you have a wish?"

"That is a secret," Takane answered.

"I know you have one," Ryuji replied. "Don't try to tell me you don't."

"It is a secret," Takane said firmly.

Ryuji fished around in his pocket and pulled out a necklace. He held it out to Takane. "You can have it," he announced. "Free of charge. Free...of monetary charge."

"My wish is a secret!" Takane thundered. "I wish not to associate with one who has brought strange things to my otherwise-normal life! Leave me!"

Instead of doing as Takane ordered, Ryuji slid up to her as quick as a snake and planted a kiss on her cheek. Takane let out a cry, aghast.

"I'm sorry," Ryuji whispered into her ear. "But I must tell you something. In a minute, I'm going to try to convince you to take the necklace. No matter what, hold fast to what you have said. Do not take the necklace."

Takane whacked him away and scurried towards the wall. "Do not tell me what to do!" she shouted. "Give me the necklace!"

Ryuji opened his mouth, then closed it. Takane thought she saw a small flash of light. Ryuji sighed.

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