Joint Force - An Overwatch Fan Fiction

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"Tristan, status report." The Director spoke through his headset.

"These guys are fighting alright." Tristan watched the warring teams over a rather slow-moving vehicle. "Are they always like this?"

"We don't have the slightest idea since no one has ever gone there." He stated. "But the mission still remains: capture ALL of them."

Tristan smirked and stretched his back before he jumps into the fray.

He leaped and landed on the black vehicle which stopped the teams from moving. Though the atmosphere felt quite heavy and dangerous, arrow stretched, sights aimed, sword unsheathed, he felt assured when a voice of a man rang.

"Cease fire!" a middle-aged man wearing a visor raised his hand and ordered his companions to stop. The team is confused as much as the other.

He looked around all of them, scanning every person inside the area, looking at their faces and their equipment, a heavy rifle, a glowing katana, a giant pink mechanical suit, a staff, there's also a gorilla... Waving all thoughts aside, he produced ten copies of himself and all of them lunged out with him as the origin and in one swift sweep from his Mystic Wander, all of them were incapacitated and knocked down unconscious.

As both team regained their consciousness, they quickly gasped for air and distanced themselves from their opponents and quickly aimed their weapons at each other.

"May I have everyone's attention?" Tristan said in a mild high-pitched voice. All of their weapons quickly turned to him.

"Who are you and what do you want?" A soft female voice with a smooth accent caught his attention. It appears to be from a sniper with a strange blue skin complexion.

"I need this world's greatest heroes to defend it from an oncoming danger." He replied.

"This world? You mean there are others?" the armored gorilla spoke.

"What danger are we looking at?" the soldier in white leader asked.

"I am not a hero..." the man sporting a dragon tattoo mumbled.

"Yes, there are other worlds. I am Tristan Selyca of the Interplanetary Traveler Corps and I was sent here to prepare everyone for this imminent threat. A remnant army my comrades fought found its way here and before they resume operations, you must be ready."

"Why won't you fight them yourself then?" A girl in violet outfit with glowing violet linings smirked.

"This is not a neutral world and thus our defense force can't barge in as we please." He shrugged.

"And what made you think you can put us all in one place and expect we'll fight on the same team?" A skull-masked man approached Tristan and lifted his shotgun up to his face. The bullets he fired suddenly turned to ash before touching his skin.

"Gabriel! Stop!" A woman in white sprouting mechanical wings stepped forth.

"My name is not Gabriel!" he turned his gun to her, but her frightened eyes made his hand weak and the gun dropped.

"Just this once. Save your world and go back to killing yourselves after... Please?" Tristan's voice gone softer and softer.

"You're in no position to order around the Shimada!" the man with dragon tattoo nock an arrow in his bow.

A flash of green light glimmered as a white armored ninja dashed to him and lowered his hand, "Brother! We don't know what we're dealing with!"

The tattoo began to glow and dragons emerge and wrapped themselves into his arrow. "Ryuu ga..."

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