16; Seokjin's Perspective

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I was welcomed by the pleasant aroma of flowers of my garden as i took a step out of my dining room, finally i'm home again, the cold breeze of Los Angeles hit my face, the colorful flowers made me smile, just for once i forgot all my problems, the stress that made by my job and all the pressure of deadlines. I didn't tell to him that i'm back from Korea, the thoughts of me and namjoon's confrontation last month made me confuse. I took a sip of my coffee and smiled again, the butterfly flew freely collecting some nectars from my babies. Love is like the relationship of flowers and butterflies, the sweetness between this two living things makes them look colorful and wonderful. Still i can't believe i end up being with Yoongi, i'm happy with him but everytime i remembered the times i'm in love to him. Knowing that the man i loved before is now in love to someone that i never expect. Yes, i loved Kim Namjoon before but Yoongi made me forget him, the first time he asked me i was so confused but i thought that maybe its the right time to move on, so step by step i learned to love him, until i gave in. The night at the bar, the time he drove me home, the time he confessed and we did it. I never regretted. I'm ready, ready to forget him.

Because i love you Park Jimin

Maybe my presence wasn't enough, Jimin is so lucky, really lucky that someone named Namjoon gave in to him. The man we thought is straight as ruler.

How sweet.

I wished i was Jimin, i envy him so much, he can be with the man i love all time, he's easy going and cheerful. I envy his smile, his eyes smile, his cheeky smile, his voice, how he laugh and sing.

Maybe i should help this two to get together.

Me, being cupid? I can't wait!

I should contact Jimin!

I fished my phone and dialed his number, after a few rings he answer.


"Hi good morning Jimin, this is me, Seokjin!" I heard a gasp causing me to chuckled.

"Hello good morning to you too Seokjin!"

"Hm, can we meet tomorrow at the coffee shop? ah, at the Moderno Cafè 8 am sharp!"

"I-- for what?" this kid, he's cute. Ahh.

"I want to know you better"

"Alright, See you Seokjin" i hummed the ended the call.


Later on the evening i decided to unwind a little. Holding a glass of wine, went on my room's balcony, heaving a deep sigh. I took a little sip. I missed him, his touch and soft thin lips against my skin, i want to go and visit him and cuddle with him but i should let him rest for awhile since he's still exhausted from his big performance last week

What will i do if he cheated on me?

I don't know, i guess i need an explanation, a valid one. But of course it will hurt me so much. I flinched as i thought of it, i gave him all, if that will happen, i will never forgive myself for being not enough.

I stared up in the sky, wandering my eyes. Connecting all the stars in patter to make a constellations​. Between my thoughts, my phone suddenly ring.

I furrowed my brows, damn if its the company please give me a break just this day.

"Hello, Kim Seokjin speaking"

"Hi Seokjin, its me Jimin! How about we meet now? i kinda have to attend Jungkook's concert tomorrow"

Jungkook? isn't he the youngest famous dancer and singer? Ahh he must be one of his fanboys. Now i must note this so i can tell Namjoon.

"Oh sure, i'll be there in 10"


After 10 minutes i came, I pushed the glass door, the aroma of coffee lingers in to my nose. I wander my eyes and luckily i immediately saw Jimin, seating at the corner.

"Hi Jimin!" he jumped off on his seat as i greeted him.

"H-hi, take a seat" he offered, "Ah, i hope you like the coffee i ordered, i don't know what you want plus the blueberry cake sorry i didn't ask you" He apologize. He's kind and innocent that saying there's a big difference between him and me and i will never be like him.

"I heard Namjoon confessed to you through phone. Ahh he's an idiot" i saw him blush as he took a sip on his coffee.

"Y-yeah.... i- i didn't take it seriously" he shyly said.

"Why?? i saw his face blushed that time! I know him, he's telling the truth"

"Really?" i pursed my lips before i continue my words "So do you love him back?"

Silence, he didn't answer me.

I watched him, a smile creep on my face, his cute.

And Namjoon made a right choice.

But still i'm a little bit disappointed but i'm now contented.

I have Yoongi and he's enough for me.

"Hm, tell me somethin' about yourself, i want to be close with you ever since!"


Yes! this is it! Plan: Namjoon and Jimin together!

Wassup, Seokjin's perspective part 1. Yes part 1 :') i just want to update. Yeah, sorry its lame. Maybe next will be Seokjin and Jimin's moment lol i broke my promise (did i?!?!?)


PS. how's the revelation? :D still alive?

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