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Did she or did she not pass us? Who in the world does she think is, turning towards stacy. Stacy was my bestfriend from kindergarden where we met rose. Shes the dumb but highly useful person. Me, Stacy and Rose run this school and to see little miss vampire just walk up in this trying to claim it i definatly goin to be a problem. Turning around me n stacy went back to the out table, as rose stayed bck to kiss some random person. Talk about hoe actions!?! Now rose staying back doesnt shock me its the bish that passed on the school yard. Sitting in my chair, talking to my friends and talking to my flipping boyfriend. Before i knew it i took a plate of mash potatoe from a near by table and dumped it straight over her head and lets not forget the gravy. When she got up screaming and ranting i couldve a not give a crap at this moment. Tell she grabbed at my throat before someone got her off a me. This means war and shes not going to last.

 This means war and shes not going to last

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